Can you solo ascalonian catacombs
You last visited: Today at Solo Ascalonian Catacombs Path 1 Midnight coords. Hello everyone, today i decided to share my ac p1 solo coords that I use to solo AC daily. It takes around min to solo the path. You can sell the path at the end or finish it by yourself. What you need is a high level zerker geared char and midnight.
Pm me if you want the coords, i will send them as txt file. I also prepared a video guide on how to easily solo ac p1 using Buffy's midnight tool.
Ofcourse, everything is for free! Edit: Detailed Video Guide is Ready. Originally Posted by franeek. Last weekend was a reaally busy weekend, I hope I can record the video this time. No problem, I still wait. Video is uploaded! Reply on this thread or add me on skype if you want the detailed ac p1 solo guide! Good job, but I got banned so I am not able to try it out ;-.
Good Work thanks. Originally Posted by endgame THX for this already! Can you send me the Video as well pls? List ». Been some time since I did it, but used to solo P1 and P3. P1 is abit of a pain, but P3 is easy to solo.
You gotta go fast, mate. I duoed that a lot with a friend and it was totally fine. There also are videos of solo runs:. Just make an LFG, it fills up quickly. No need to solo. Advice: point out you want to have lvl 80, experienced players.
Otherwise you will end up with horrible noobish companions. I've solo'd that spider. You are referring to the spider queen in explorable, right? You need to pack a LOT of constant condi shed. I believe she just constantly applies poison. Unfortunately they nerfed the phantasmal disenchanter, but you want to put a projectile block on her, and use the column to your advantage as in, walk around it and use it as a second block. On mesmer, I used to bring my phantasmal disenchanter, the other condi shed, keep dropping my focus 5 projectile block on her, and my other projectile block.
I'm sorry that I am not familiar enough with soulbeast to help you out with specifics, but if you have any projectile block you can stuff on her with the combination of running around the column use that as another projectile block :P and ability to constantly condi shed you should be OK. The poison even with billion stacks only counts as 1 condition, if you take down the gargoyle head flame thing you just need to be constantly shed that single condi.
With the updates to phantasms I haven't tested it too much but should still hopefully work. Look for projectile blocks. Cheering for you! She dont constalty applie poison she do if you stand in the 3 poison pools she shoot out regularly seen as 3 pretty big red outlined circles on the floor. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. Buy Now. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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