Crawl what is
Television , Movies. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Crawl, creep refer to methods of moving like reptiles or worms, or on all fours. They are frequently interchangeable, but crawl is used of a more prostrate movement than creep : A dog afraid of punishment crawls toward his master.
Creep expresses slow progress: A child creeps before walking or running. Words nearby crawl crawdad , crawdaddy , crawfish , Crawford , Crawfordsville , crawl , crawler , crawler lane , crawler track , Crawley , crawling. Words related to crawl clamber , creep , drag , inch , plod , poke , slide , slither , squirm , wriggle , grovel , lag , lollygag , scrabble , worm , writhe , cringe , fawn , toady , truckle. How to use crawl in a sentence Efficiency of crawl , as we mentioned above, are the benefits.
Just look for the red box at the bottom-left of the page. What is Crawling? March 15th, Search Engine Optimization 3 Comments. View Larger Image. What is Crawling for SEO? Upon being created or updated; how does Google know to examine your page? Pages are crawled for a variety of reasons including: Having an XML sitemap with the URL in question submitted to Google Having internal links pointing to the page Having external links pointing to the page Getting a spike in traffic to the page To ensure that your page gets crawled, you should have an XML sitemap uploaded to Google Search Central , previously known as Google Search Console formerly Google Webmaster Tools to give Google the roadmap for all of your new content.
What Does Crawl Mean? Google Search Console showing Indexed Pages. How much does SEO cost? How is SEO charged? Related Posts. July 8th, 3 Comments. The Best Hosting for WordPress. June 10th, March 23rd, November 5th, Save Word. Definition of crawl Entry 1 of 2. The soldiers crawled forward on their bellies. Definition of crawl Entry 2 of 2. Synonyms for crawl Synonyms: Verb belly , creep , grovel , slide , slither , snake , worm , wriggle Visit the Thesaurus for More.
Examples of crawl in a Sentence Verb Does the baby crawl yet? We got down on our knees and crawled through a small opening. The baby crawled across the floor toward her mother. The snake crawled into its hole. They're doing construction on the road, so traffic is crawling.
I worked late into the night, and it was 2 a. The bus crawled along the rough and narrow road. The days slowly crawled by. The baby crawled across the floor. To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops. We crawled along in traffic until we reached the highway. To proceed or act servilely. To swim the crawl. A pen in shallow water, as for confining fish or turtles. To go on hands and knees; creep.
To move or go slowly or feebly. To move or act in an abjectly servile manner. To swarm or teem with crawling things. To search the Internet for hosts, Web pages or blogs. See spider. Clutching my wounded side, I crawled back to the trench.
The rush-hour traffic crawled around the bypass.