Does anyone else hate game of thrones
This is kind of a broad claim, but hear us out. All of those characters have to have something to do, which has made it so that over the years, more and more plots and subplots have emerged. But how does one show keep up with all of that? The complex relationships between families in positions of power are explored heavily, but what the audience is meant to take away from those interactions is unclear. This point supports the previous one. Certainly, this is a point of contention for many. But the fact remains that sex is a big part of the show, and it often feels more like tantalizing material rather than actual.
The amount of rape and incest on the show has grown over time, and critics finally put their foot down when, in Season 5, Sansa Stark was raped on her wedding night. Because of the gratuitous sex and violence, viewers generally know where things are going when they watch Game of Thrones.
The finale was bad, much of the Internet decided. In fact, the entire final season was under fire, as hundreds of thousands of people signed a petition asking HBO to remake the final season. Now, "Game of Thrones" joins "Seinfeld," "Lost," and "The Sopranos" as the latest beloved show with a finale hated by most fans.
If a show is done well, viewers should feel like they really know the characters they watch on their screens — they see them grow, change, evolve, and suffer. TV can make these relationships more intense than other mediums, because viewers follow characters for years, carve out time in their lives for them every week, and often watch them in intimate settings like from their couch or in bed, Caroline Framke, a TV critic at Variety, said.
Steinberg agrees. And so I'd watch an episode and have no fucking clue what was going on. Another said, "I dabbled in watching it for a few weeks, but I think the moment I was fully turned off was when I was sitting in a gross, fratty college house with my now ex-boyfriend and 20 of his mostly male friends that I didn't really know. I was minding my own business trying to just eat my sandwich in peace, semi-paying attention, and then the scene with the brother and sister having sex came on, and it was the final straw.
I was permanently scarred. I just don't care about it at all," and "there are better uses of my time. While I can stomach some violence, I cannot stomach rape and incest on screen. Even my friend Sara has said that the hardest part of convincing a non-believer is "the problematic way the show treats the issue of sexual violence. And I can't sit through seasons of incest and rape. It nauseates me literally , Sorry, not sorry. I don't have the patience to remember all the names, and all the characters, and all this alternate world has to hold.
I know that sounds like a lame excuse, but even my father has admitted to watching the show week after week, and sometimes "forgetting who the hell that guy is again. I have too many things to remember already.
How can I be a walking and talking encyclopedia about Black Panther or Batman if I have to remember all this too? Quite frankly, I just don't give a damn.
Maybe that doesn't seem like the most compelling argument, but I think I'm entitled to it. Just like you're totally entitled to read me rambling on about a show I hate, and think I'm batshit crazy or an idiot.
I don't want another TV show. I don't want to be a part of the pop culture phenomenon. I really didn't care if Jon Snow lived or died.
I don't need to see the Mother of Dragons walk out of flames naked, and I have no interest in plot theories. It is also very familiar. Those fans also organized petitions and flew sky banners over Comic-Con. They also engaged in other documented aggressive behavior , although it does not appear they forced anybody out of a job. For many, decrying the failure of Game of Thrones is just as much a piece of public theater as claiming not to watch it when it was on the air.
One interesting trend in the internet age is the increasing sense that reviews and opinion pieces exist to validate existing opinions rather than to broaden perspectives; this is why critics get death threats for having dissenting opinions on works with vocal fandoms. Similarly, it is interesting how reluctant people are to let go of this.
Professor Jonathan Cohen has suggested that one of the reasons why finales like Game of Thrones can leave viewers so fixated is because they can feel like breakups. Of course, none of this is to suggest that those vocal fans are necessarily wrong in their assessment.
Taste is inherently subjective, people like what they like, and they react emotionally to different things. However, it would also be absurd to assume that the most vocal and aggressive of fans are representative of the bulk of the viewing audience — particularly considering the evidence that Game of Thrones continues to be enjoyed by a large audience almost two years after it went off the air.