How do you get rivendares deathcharger

Comment by I must have a 6t sense hen it comes to mounts. Had the Stone Drake in the Stonecore drop when I went there to farm for the first time after 6 months, I just had a feeling. It does. We all went mental, and I was amazed when I won it. Had my Guildies offering to buy it but I wasn't gonna bite. I'd been farming that dude for months XD. Comment by joebowen There has been a lot of debate as to whether this mount is still dropping. I noticed that most of the people claiming to have obtained it in recent months have been members with few points.

Since many Wowhead users don't trust everything they read and shouldn't I thought it would be nice to have a wowhead member with more contributions etc. I ran Stratholme 56 times in three days. I just got the mount. I have posted a screenshot that breaks wowhead rules by including the date etc. I am hoping it will be approved and on here shortly, but I doubt it. Anyway, the good news is, the mount drops.

I talked to a few people who thought they had to wait a day between runs. Another guy thought it was weekly, like raids. You can now run the instance again.

If you aren't allowed in after doing this it is because, as I mentioned earlier, you have done more than 5 this hour. Wait a while and try again. This is how I was able to get the drop so quickly. Comment by hellfire02 I got this on my second run a couple days ago I've ran this place OVER times!

To all the people who are still running this, I've done runs all day for weeks during that year and still no drop. The irony is that since I've ran this place up to times, I've became sick of hearing the horses whine. I've fought Rivendare so many times and heard the same fight so many times, that the horses whining is almost a nightmare. Comment by Mount dropped for me today on my 2nd run. Patch 5. Never tried again until today.

Ran once, didn't drop. Ran out, reset, ran again, mount dropped. Comment by Just a day after my vitreous stone drake dropped after runs, I decided to go farm this. After 42 runs I had a guild member join me. She said I could have it before we ran but she'd been farming too.

She stayed true to her word and now I get to show it off in GS all day :D btw it dropped for 4 freakin people before it dropped for me. Dropped on some guys first run and he wasnt even going for it just running a friend through for xp I was pretty pissed.

Comment by Wheeljack This is one of those things you set out to do, come hell or high water. I did no less than runs for mine back in Wotlk. Still haven't decided if that is determination, dedication or just plain and pure stubbornness. Something to cheer up for those long, grindy hours of not seeing a skeletal horsehead in the loot-window.

Comment by Joviel I've been solo running the dungeon daily for weeks with my level 81 Hunter trying to get the mount, and it dropped today right after I changed my Dungeon level to Heroic. I don't know if there is a correlation or not. This might be really obvious to most, but you make your run much faster by avoiding the mobs and only killing the bosses. Comment by Mattarias Can we get someone to put up some comparisons between this and the undead mounts? I don't mean to be rude, but What's different?

Aside from the fact that Alliance can get it? Comment by zunguslengteng anyone else noticed this horse has lips? Comment by I literally got this on my first try. Maybe I was very lucky or maybe the odds have changed again. Comment by Is this mount still in the game in Mists of Pandaria? I watched a video posted in the comments here earlier and the dude who made it kept stressing what a waste of time killing the mobs is, and how it's better to just go around them.

Is this really that important, or is it just about saving time when doing multiple Strat runs? Comment by Demonhuntern If anybody is curious to know, how many times you need to run strat, to be I was quite surprised and delighted since it fulfilled a Feat of Strength achievement too. I hope this clears my post up and maybe I can get the down votes up voted so players know the possibilities. Comment by rpalmeri OMG. This dropped on Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar. My guildies hate me- at least the ones that have run Strat a thousand times for it.

Comment by Wass88 i farmed this mount with my ud wlock 2 days got it after like 20 runs swords first.. Comment by orioncorpsus Is this mount still dropping? I only ask because I have not seen any posts about it dropping since last year. Comment by JBushido I've been trying to get this at least times a day for 3 weeks now. No luck. How many people actually have this mount? So frustrating.

Most of my toons are alliance so I really don't have any awesome-looking skeletal horses. Anyway, I've been farming Strath on an enchanter and have found that I can actually make a little gold in the process.

One run can net quite a bit of lesser nether essence to make it worth coming. Plus, the off-chance for boe epics is also a plus. It is by no means a place everyone should rush to to farm gold, but it's a happy bonus that I can make g per run g an hour. Comment by sammycat 45 runs and it finally dropped. So confirmed it still exists i guess Comment by Eliza08 Hey guys, I thought I would add my experience thus far.

I don't know if this method has been mentioned before but it's one I use and not sure if many people know about it So my level hunter is the farmer of this mount 97 attempts so far I have my hearthstone set at Lights Hope Chapel, but before I hearth to start my farm, I queue for The Proving Grounds in my garrison, I enter the instance and teleport out, I then hearth to Lights Hope and fly to the instance, I enter, clear, feel cheated it still hasn't been my lucky day.

I teleport back to the proving grounds, then l teleport out of there and it places me outside the gate, no need to run back through the instance to reset, just reset where it places you and run it again. Hope this helps and happy farming!

Comment by bowenbao I go it in my 67th run and proved that it still existed in 6. Good luck everybody. Comment by cretin Dropped for me today after 95 runs on my Rogue. Posting this to encourage people to keep farming- it'll drop eventually : If you're going to start farming I recommend using a monk, druid or rogue for quick, speedy runs- I clocked them at about per run so 95 runs didn't take too long.

Comment by Ceriuswoode Got it today after 95 attempts. Kitty druid is the way to go: get the Displacer Beast talent to speed you along. Use your Moonglade teleport to quickly get out of the dungeon and then use it again to be taken back to the dungeon entrance.

Don't forget to reset the instance! I made a macro for that and put it right next to my Moonglade teleport on my bar. Comment by Krohma Id wager to say that monk has the fastest clear time as of 7. Makes for a clear time. That clear time is from the moment I enter the instance, to exiting, and the moment I walk into the fresh instance I stopped the clock.

Comment by Greeny Can't believe I am still farming this after all these years! Comment by sadistic runs in legion, god bless bear tartare. Comment by Viserate 8 years, almost runs. Keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results Congrats to those who have this mount. Comment by MooptheShoop runs and 18 Runeblade , The mount finally dropped on my warrior! Don't give up! Comment by Supman Got it after 15 tries this patch. Probably the luckiest out of any other mount for me.

Comment by Skymain Two epic swords on the same run that's gotta be so much lower than the mount dropping close to runs and nothing. Comment by Speedyboi I got twice in a row going for the sword Well I guess I'm unlucky aren't I.

I ran it only 8 times when I got it.. I wish I could give the mount away to some people.. Comment by Ezekeel I got this probably before making runs.

Interestingly, I got two locked boxes in my last run something I had never experienced before. It's probably a simple coincidence, but after the second box I went to his room feeling like it would drop, and it dropped. I'm not even mad, that's just impressive. I made an LFG group when I got around the abominations, then left it so that the 60 sec instance boot timer starts. Leaves you right in front of the gate outside. I actually got it at attempts on the money. Pairs well with full t3 and argent dawn tabard on any alli char.

Good luck :. Comment by Donuthole Finally dropped on the th attempt, don't give up hope! Comment by Supnkee So far Comment by Necrodweeb Took about or so runs for me to get this mount with an average full clear and reset time of 4ish minutes. If you're going to farm this I'd recommend a Feral Druid that's at least level Also, if you screw up and aggro a Nerubian that roots you you can simply shift out of it though at this level you'd be better off using AOE to one-shot them instead of letting them cast on you.

Run Lunar Inspiration, as Moonfire in cat form allows you to quickly machine gun down the 9 Abominations that are super spread out when you encounter them at the end of the dungeon.

Also, it allows you to kill Ramstein that exact second he pokes his ugly head outside Rivendare's building, quickly moving you to the "mob of scourge trash pouring from the gate" phase. Tiger Dash is probably worth picking up.

A shorter CD speed boost that replaces Dash is ideal, seeing that on 3 occasions you need to run into the ziggurats to kill the 5 casters inside to destroy its crystal. It is easy to screw up your regular Dash and to slam your face into a wall in this cramped space, so I always opted for this talent and reserved my Tiger Dash and Stampeding Roar to move between these ziggurats instead.

Balance Affinity is worth picking up. The other two talents are useless at this high of a level, while the increased range from this talent can let you start killing the Abominations with your cat form Moon Fires from farther away.

Lastly, pick up Moment of Clarity. Absent that, the extra energy lets you kill the Abominations faster since that extra 30 energy translates to another Moon Fire. Obviously loot nothing except Rivendare, and have autoloot on so even that is fast. Don't get too close to the Magistrate when you zone in, let him run to the gate and despawn so you don't have to kill him and deal with that annoying, unique key that screws up opening up your mail after you get instance-limited.

Sometimes it is nice to see confirmation that it is still in the game in case you are still looking for it. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Unsure how to post? Check out our handy guide! Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen.

Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! This is a guide on how to solo run Stratholme in the 7. Save time by skipping directly to the section you need by using the table of contents at the top!

Stratholme is a Vanilla-era raid. There are four bosses which must all be done before you can engage Baron Rivendare, who drops the mount, which makes the time cost of this dungeon fairly steep. On the upside, since this is a normal dungeon, you can do this up to ten times an hour once you run out and reset, so you can do it several times in a row for more chances at the ultra elusive mount.

Alliance — Start in Ironforge. Take the flight path north to Northpass Tower, Eastern Plaguelands. Horde — Start in Undercity. You do not need to change any difficulty settings for this dungeon. There is a lot of trash in here — you can either round it up to where the bosses are and AOE it, or try to stealth past. Stealthing is a bit faster but takes some practice.

There is a special mechanic in Stratholme that must be completed to get to the final boss. A zone-wide message will be yelled when you do it successfully. Once all three bosses and their ziggurats are killed, the gate to the final area 4, 5 on the map will open.

Comment by I know one of the 2 guys who have got this mount, Falazure - Skullcrusher - EU has it. Right now I feel I am so close to get it Comment by Great money from clearing this, I got 9 Large Brilliant Shards per run, which ends up being about g alone with our economy, not to mention disenchanting the greens and selling the grays.

So even if you don't get it to drop, just think of all the money you're making :D. Comment by TheSleeper Lost track around the 30th run, but it's now at least at 80 runs and counting , usually around 25 min per run, with the best at just a little more than 20 min.

I guess that if I optimized dps with potions, elixirs, foodbuff and whatnot, I would be able to cut at least min off that 20 min. That trinket together with the Icy Veins-talent, makes frostbolts a 1. Comment by I think i got a high amount of luck when it dropped for my rogue EU-Nera'Thor good luck to all of you farming this mount! Comment by i wonder if they will remove the mount from loot table in wotlk Comment by 25th May p.

I've killed Baron for the first time since TBC started. Was there with a friend's alt and one random guy. Comment by This mount is of course brilliant for the "Oh look at my mount i have the rarest mount in the game" factor but if your not too fussed about that factor Which of course we all are!!!! Comment by After deciding I needed to make some gold I thought farming Stratholme for the Deathcharger Reins would be a fun way to make money.

After about 40 or so runs over the span of weeks I made around 3k-4k gold easily from DEing everything and looting all the silver off mobs. I started to lose interest in farming for the mount and just used Stratholme as a way to make gold considering Large Brilliants and Greater Eternals sell for a hefty price on the AH.

Randomly this morning I decided to do a couple runs and on my 3rd run the mount dropped. Nobody in my guild believed me at first until they saw me in IF lol! This could BE soloable with a rogue s1 geared. Comment by I'm very proud to say I got this mount ;- Its imba just so many people that ask where it's from cause they never saw a dwarf hunter on an Undead mount before ;- In the beginning i told them how to get it SOOOO many others tried to farm it but as far as i know non got the mount yet!

On sunstrider my server there are as far as i know 3other alliance people that have the mount i even used to be in a guild where we had 2mounts me and another After a long long time of getting asked where its from i got so sick of it though that i started to tell people i killed the hourse vendor for the Undead and when he was down i looted him and got that horse ;- I have it for about 1year now i'll post a picture of it when i figure out how to ;- as far as my tactic i just kill the mobs that are in my way i do it in 40minutes 0whipes.

Comment by metalslave June 11, I'm really happy this night. I have to say thanks to this thread because many of those posts gave me power to don't give up. That was the phrase that was in my mind all the time: "dont' give up". Also have to say a thanks to my DE partner Heiler who did a lot of runs with me, including the one where it drops.

I gave to him as a gift one of the orb of deceptions that i got in Strat. Class: Undead Rogue T6 geared Average Time: min per run Record Time: Me, Heiler and a hunter: 13 min Gold: Around k 3 epics, 2 orbs of deception, tons of boe blues and DE stuff For those that will say that im an Undead and would be easier to buy a plain skelly horse i dont care. Don't give up! Comment by radeox If you're in a group, divide the chance by five :.

Comment by nisx Today i make a GM ticket about this mount coz i killed Baron around 50 times and nothing and the GM say: "This item does exist yes, the drop rate is very low however, in fact recently a guildie of mine got it , atfer kills" About the rumor "You must be exalted with argent dawn to have it" he say: "No that is just a rumor,not true in any way. Comment by 25th June p.

Comment by wow u and another guy from ur server got it exactly 1 month apart even the time was the same..

After runs I finally got it, along with one Runeblade, 6 Pristine Black Diamonds, and countless blues and greens that have been disenchanted and sold. That is why I'm not even attempting until atleast Comment by LocutuS you dont really need the fire elemental for the skelletons after rammstein, you can also use the earth elemental with magma totem and fire nova and if you do it right, the earth elemental will also tank the black guard , that way you can use the fire elemental against the baron and it will be a lot faster.

Comment by New achievements! Comment by is this mount still droping? Some people are just too lucky for their own good! Comment by One must tell Baron Rivendare that he likes mudkipz.

Comment by Has anyone, to anyone's knowledge gotten this from solo farming post BC current patch? Comment by I must admit that I don't think it's all that impressive looking. In my opinion the Zulian Tiger, Wintersaber, and Qiraji battle tank are all cooler. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have it, but as far as the coolest mount goes I don't think this is it.

Comment by Baryle The Battletank is only rare because people had a 12 hour window to grab it; not because it was a particularly hard mount to get. Took me about 40 tryes, keep up the farming you will get it! Comment by To all those brave fools who are farming this mount, here are some tips: 1: NEVER tell yourself "It's going to drop this time!

Level it to If you are serious about getting this mount, you NEED to get enchanting. Alternatively, talk to some friends over the communication program of your choice.

Only do a certain number of runs per day, otherwise the police will find the collapsed remnants of your face embedded into the keyboard. And most importantly Good luck, and hopefully you will have a few shreds of sanity left once it drops!

Comment by Ilujn Does this mount still drop? Or is it non-existant now. Comment by Solidous At runs and counting. Comment by To those you counting the runs You screenshot it everytime it drops or? To kill it, i just charged into the battle, used rend, thunderclap and demoralizing shout.

Then i kept MS-ing and overpowering rivendare til the first sekelton wave appeared. At this point i used retailiation, and spammed victory rush, which got the most dmg on him in this fight.

After the first wave he was around 25 percent, just smacked him down til he was ready to be executed. Another Skeletonwave came right before he died which i simply cleaved to death. Comment by haalf I just want to be sure, but do you have to kill the Baron in the 45 minute run to have a chance at the reins?

Comment by Vacc I'd reccomend anyone grinding this to take up enchanting first. You only need to sink about g in it to get it to about skill where you can dis anything from Strat.

That comes out about 75g a run, and I've mastered it down to about 15 mins a run barring no Eye of Naxxramas pulls that can get messy. A good hour here nets me g. I have yelling at street for 10 mins, kissed my dog 3 times and etc. Then , I played Horde character and there was no point of having it unless you're a tauren. On my Draenei warrior I did total of 8 runs with my brother frost mage who have passed on mount for me! Basicly, what I did on run then it drops I know it is a city legend but still :P?

Did most of dungeon with only Lovely Blue Dress and 2-hander equiped I was in a good mood , before I entered a dungeon I began to listen Rammstein it's not the only group I listen but this music let me own everything, especially in arenas. In fact me and my bro mastered in Strat runs we wiped died both in diferent placed doing this run. Mount is a possible to get and it's only depends on a luck and on a Radnom. For intance, on my raiding hunter I have first killed Prince in Kara at the very begining of April And for more that 1,5 years I never seen any of them drop a bow.

And last thing I'd like to say. It is currently uknown, is there will be a valid replacement in Stratholme for him and if you remeber Blizzard are lifting Amani bear from ZA timed event because for 80 level player it will be an easy loot. Why they can't do such thing for Stratholm? And will this new Stratholm end boss will drop any mounts. So, if you are want this mount badly - double your effort to get it before patch 3.

Comment by pandaman Just hit a new record for Illusion Dust, sold 20x for an eye-watering g Comment by I'm pretty sure that on WotLK we won't be able to see this drop in Stratholme anymore. Maybe this will be droped in Naxxaramas now?

Or maybe nowhere Got the mount this morning! Comment by rahak Someone on proudmoore US got this quite recently, said he had been farming for over a year Comment by Solidous Just got my third sword, at around runs, hopefuly I will see the mount dropping soon. So I decided to go back at llv 70 just for the fun of it, and to see what it was like and an amazing instance it is, by the way.

And that mount dropped of Baron Rivendare. My very first time going up against him. Didn't even realized it was anything special until I rode it in the middle of Stormwind and noticed people's reactions to it! I've run Stratholme countless times since then now exalted with AD, to give you an idea, just from turning in scourgestones , and haven't seen it drop a second time. Strat is easy to solo if you're a Holy Paladin with decent gear. Just remember, on the undead side, that many mobs can prevent your spellcasting or drain your mana.

Therefore, don't try to take on too many of them at once and you'll be just fine. Bosses themselves are a zillion times easier than clearing the trash, so that's not even an issue do put up Shadow Resistance aura vs the Baron.

Comment by Skeleton zerg after Ramstein can be avoided. Kill the last abomination just outside the door. As it opens run in and engage Ramstein straight away.

Pull him down to the Barons door and kill. Repeat for the Black Guards be sure to catch them before they leave. Easy :. Deadhed on Silvermoon server The mount dropped for me tonight. I thought of you guys and took a screen shot of the instant when it happened.

A little background: I never kept exact count, but estimate it at between and solo runs. Of course, I'm exalted with Argent Dawn There were 10 minutes left on his de-buff when he died. It's just luck What are the odds of that? Was just a lucky night. To those who plan on doing the grind for this: Drop a profession and take enchanting, level it to so you can DE everything that drops.

You will at least be making thousands of gold while you grind this out. Kick some ass :. Comment by nusmesa 3 drops recorded by wowhead! Comment by Any warlocks been able to solo the place? I'd like to have some suggestions about how to do it.

Went to orgrimmar and posted in trade and the channel went berzerk with congratulations. It feels awesome even though I didn't put in the effort others have.

Respect to all of you, keep it up! You deserve it so much more. And still Comment by iedo Hmm I just came across this while browsing through achievements and just wanted to pop in. I had no idea this mount was that rare, because me prot pally and my brother frost mage went to strath one night out of boredom and cleared it out dead and live. It dropped on our first baron kill. I passed because as a belf I farmed my exalted status with undercity to get the undead mount, he however got lazy.

Comment by What makes this mount rare is the that Alliance being able to have an undead mount. For horde its not as rare because you get one if you have the rep with Undercity. I know this is an obvious post, just keep seeing Horde post saying oh I got this drop and it seemed like no big deal Still farming for mine Comment by sirensong69 does this still drop as of patch 2.

Comment by dpierrotb I got my first baron 2. Comment by Heyya Just got mine a few hours ago on Mazrigos EU server on my alt Sojourn Well done to all that have got theres so far now I gotta try get on my lock : Cya. Comment by aei So this finally decided to drop for me yesterday Comment by I know yall are excited about getting it, but lets not turn this page into a mock Thottbot.

Comment by hurtz2live Lost count of the number of runs - nowhere near as many as some others but still in the several hundreds. Just dropped for me 2nite. My first run after dinner - wasnt expecting or hoping anymore - just killed him and there it was. I was so excited i didnt take a screenshot lol : Oh well. Just want to tell everyone goin after this awesome ride that u will get it just dont give up.

Its not a matter of if but when u get it. Happy farming and good luck. Comment by Ummm Comment by Got mine today! I'm normally resto, I go feral for this and the money I've made from enchanting more than makes up for the respec cost. I highly recommend powerleveling enchanting for this. The g you pay to do it you can make up in 2 Boss clears. Comment by Incredibly easy to solo as a 70 feral druid. Cat form stealth around to each of the three ziggaraut bosses, no need to kill any of the trash If you get any aggro bear form and swipe them, you can usually kill your way out of it.

The elites are easy kills in bear form. Go to Baron, bear form--I usually just stack lacerate and mangle and bleed him to death, swipe the skeletons. Nothing to it I can do it in a few mins if I don't pull any adds while stealthing.

Killed him about 20times now, mainly clearing it for gold for my swift flight form--the Runecloth has been selling for a ton lately. No mount yet hope I get lucky. At least I hope it has, otherwise I just got the rarest item in the game on a temporary beta account. Comment by Oomie Bornakk just posted here that Baron Rivendare will continue to drop Deathcharger's Reins after this content patch.

Currently we plan to keep the Deathcharger's Reigns as a drop in Stratholme. Comment by Loreya As a retribution pally, i would recommend to put on your holy gear for rivendare, if you've problems with retribution-gear. Comment by When you compare this mount's droprate to others in the game, it's important to not forget a very important detail. This is to differ from droprate and rarity, how likely the boss is to drop the item and how likely it is for you to obtain it within a certain span of time.

It became quite popular a while ago for players who cleared the content to solo strat in 10 minutes or so, then running back, so let's say 15 minutes for a whole run. So this drastically increases your chances of obtaining the mount compared to other mounts that drop in raid instances that you can only do every few days or once every week.

So if you have the effort to do 3 runs every day, and you do zg for the tiger every reset it will take as long time to get both theoretically. Don't take offense people, I just wanted to remind you to consider this fact when you're discussing rare mounts.

Though I must honor this mount for the fact of that regardless of how often you've done all these strat runs once that you've gotten it, you would have spent way more time in there than in any other instance which drops a rare mount, when you only count the time that you were actually farming for them.

Comment by Finally got mine, runs. Dual boxed a priest with my mage to make the runs faster. Incidentally it takes baron runs to level a priest from 50 to 70 with no xp from anything else. The grind has other benefits as well. I had enough runecloth to max out all my capital city reputations and made about 75,g from selling the extra cloth and enchanting materials on the AH.

I am now one happy Tauren! Somewhere around Solo runs only, sorry to some of you trying with no luck after hundreds of runs. Takes me 30 minutes per run as a warrior, I know some of you stealth classes do it much faster. I got very very lucky to say the least, my overall time spent is no doubt very small compared to some.

Wish I would have screenshot the loot pop-up In my excitement I forgot, just wanted to get that beautiful horse's skull into my bags as fast as possible!

One strange thing i noticed, My loot was Comment by could some1 tell me the easiest way to solo farm it with elemental shaman Comment by Oomie I think I've gotten like 5. Comment by Anemos Got My Deathcharger at 12 October after 7 months of grinding and about runs approximately mins per run , Anemos ,Commander from Twilight's Hammer and the feeling is Awesome ,and yes "i Officially freaked out" as a reply to the second comment on this list Anyways as panadaman wrote don't u ever give up if u want this mount.

Comment by Got mine after patch 3. Comment by Has anyone else gotten this recently? Just today I went into Strat to get the achievement done and this dropped off of Baron. Wondering if they possibly upped the drop rate? Comment by Jalthi I've currently completed 26 post-patch runs with no luck yet. They may have increased the drop rate, but it's still not something crazy.

That said, it really does rub you the wrong way when you see all of these people who haven't invested any time at all and are getting a mount that some people have spent days worth of playtime trying to obtain with no luck. Grats to those who got it before me, perhaps I'll be less bitter once I've got my own :P.

Comment by Since patch 3. I ran the instance about times pre patch never saw the mount drop. Since the patch i have seen it drop twice. I would say the drop rate has incressed or i have just gotten really lucky. Lost the roll on both though so doing it tonight by myself so i have no one to roll against.

In my or so runs i have seen the runeblade drop 4 times. Will edit later once i have done my runs on my sucuss. So i do believe that the drop rate was incressed. I still am feeling pretty lucky considering i have seen three mounts drop in under 20 runs. Comment by I just got mine today, 5th run after the patch In total I've done about runs but after patch.. Now I'm reading all these ppl saying they got theirs aswell after the patch I guess I wasn't that lucky after all.

Dangen - Lightning's Blade EU. Comment by the drop rate was increased with the 3. Also the zg mounts have and an increase drop rate now as well. More people will be gettin these mounts making them less special. Comment by pandaman Definately buffed drop rate, people getting this left right and centre since patch.

Bit of a shame really, but I suppose if a dev looked at the old drop rate, it was abit too low, just ridiculous. Atleast now your probably gunna be rewarded for putting in alot of runs. Comment by Just dropped this evening after a loooooooot of runs Comment by While lots of folks seem to think that the drop rate has been increased post 3.

Granted, while the sample size is much smaller, a higher drop rate could be attributed to any number of server side factors I haven't seen the damn thing drop yet. Comment by xalthos I got this on my first full run of Strath, ever.

We decided, for fun, we would run Strath for the achievement. We cleared Rivendare with 1 second to spare, and this dropped. I won the roll. Got a Feat of Strength for it as well. Comment by wellwisherelf I can vouch that the drop rate has indeed been Increased. Comment by Eminence theres ALOt of rumors about this drop rate increasing Comment by Shorty Based on what I'm seeing from a thread on the WoW forums, the drop rate has indeed been increased.

I've been following the mount for a while now- mostly because I found it to be hilarious that people were trying to farm the single rarest BoP drop in the game. There's a reason why there are maybe 3 people per server who have it I'm sorry, but with this item, it dropping that often on specific servers and then seeing that drop spike across all servers isn't just luck.

With this item, the chances of such a spike happening are so abysmally low that the only other possibility is that they buffed the drop rate. With this item, the same person seeing it drop twice inside of a week isn't lucky- the odds of that happening even one time are astronomical. Looks like I'm eating my words I would like to know if this is in fact what other folks are experiencing, as if it is, then there has definitely been some sort of mechanic change from Blizzard.

Previously, the horse ONLY dropped in addition to your base three drops. The Blade could potentially take the place of one of the 3 drops, but the horse was an independent roll, and independent of the pre-determined '3 slots of loot' table. Comment by pandaman Well, a third has just dropped in 6 days since patch on my server.

I simply refuse to believe this is just down to "people killing Baron for achievement". No mount ever dropped in 3 years, with alot of pre Strat runs, and thousands of lvl 70 solo runs by different people I knew of other "hardcore" farmers. Well would be suspicious, but Pretty much confirmed for me this has been buffed drop chance. Comment by I really wish I knew how you could see the mount drop 4 times.

Ive ran it 64 times with no mount and many more before the path with no mount. I've never even seen the sword. Comment by I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before most likely so , but it's definitely worth repeating: When you've taken down the pre-bosses to gain access to the Slaughterhouse, you'll have to kill all the Abominations wandering the square to open it up. Once done, Ramstein the Gorger will come through the door, before it closes behind him.

However, if you kite the last Abomination close to the door, you can sneak into the Slaughterhouse and fight Ramstein there - thus avoiding the subsequent surge of undeads once he's slain. Also, this door is known to bug occasionally and won't open when it's supposed to - so getting inside ASAP is strongly recommended. Just be ready to fight the Black Guard Sentries who will spawn instantly where you killed Ramstein. Comment by Just dropped for me on my tenth run.

Took another friend of mine about fifteen runs. In other words, the drop rate has dramatically increased Comment by Not so much saying that people who continue to farm it are crying about being robbed even though it is gay to have people put in so little time and just be that lucky, but such is rng : 4 guild members have gotten mount since 3.

Deathcharger is the name of Baron Rivendare's skeletal horse. The undead steed is his most prized possession. Obtaining this mount awards the Feat of Strength [ Deathcharger's Reins ]. Wowpedia Explore. Main Page All Pages. World of Warcraft. Classic Vanilla


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