How does perception have an effect on learning

These studies show the importance of teaching and its influence on the motivational, social, and psychological development of the students as well as their PNs, since they are psychological mechanisms that act as behavioral regulators Hagger et al. The results of this research have also shown that PN frustration negatively predicts positive emotions and academic motivation, whereas PN satisfaction inversely predicts them.

Similarly, Trigueros et al. Likewise, Tessier et al. The research results described are in accordance with the principles set forth in the SDT regarding the relationship between PN and positive emotions Deci and Ryan, ; this is due to the effects of PN on emotional and psychological well-being Tessier et al.

On the other hand, the analyzed results indicate that positive emotions predict academic motivation, meaningful learning strategies, and academic achievement in a positive way, information that is in line with other studies carried out in the university student population, where positive emotions showed this relationship with intrinsic motivation, self-regulation of academic behavior, and academic performance Villavicencio and Bernardo, ; Pekrun et al.

These findings indicate that student emotions are related to their control, motivation, use of learning strategies, and academic performance Pekrun et al. Finally, motivation showed a positive relationship with metacognition strategies and academic performance. Similarly, metacognition strategies showed a positive relationship with academic achievement. Such findings have been described in research on the university student population Wolters and Hussain, and students engaged in distance learning Broadbent, These could be explained by the fact that metacognitive strategies are procedures that facilitate information processing by selecting, organizing, and regulating cognitive processes Karpicke et al.

For their use, it is necessary that students show great interest in the subject, namely, an intrinsic motivation toward it, since it requires conscious planning and use of these strategies to facilitate academic performance Zimmerman, Among the limitations, it is necessary to point out that this is a correlational study, so it does not allow one to extrapolate the cause—effect relationships — the results obtained could have different interpretations depending on the context.

Furthermore, in the present study, we have not been able to carry out a comparative study of the results according to the school year or the age of the students. In addition, the SEMs have the limitation that their relationships are unidirectional. On the other hand, there may be other factors that significantly influence student achievement and academic performance, in addition to the variables considered.

Finally, in the future, comparative studies should be carried out between the different countries of the European Union in relation to the motivation, emotion, and metacognitive strategies of high school students in the areas of math and English, being able to introduce new variables such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking, because those factors infer on the performance and motivation according to different studies Homayouni, ; Galla and Wood, In this sense, the practices derived from the study point to the need to incorporate motivational and emotional components for the training of students and teachers.

It is important to provide educators with information on the role of motivation and positive emotions in the success and adaptation of students in the educational context and on how to develop the internal attributional style of their pupils. Teachers, and parents, must provide learning environments that promote autonomy over external control. Teachers should accompany students in the learning process by transmitting their passion and enthusiasm for knowing, promoting feelings of self-efficacy and academic self-competence as the basis for educational success.

This study contributes to the area of teaching a foreign language in which the motivational, emotional, and attributional processes of secondary school students in that area have been taken into account. In this way, valuable pedagogical implications can be deduced so that teachers can integrate into their teaching situations that favor student reflection before, during, and after entering the classroom.

It is vital, for example, that teachers take into account the following:. Thus, we suggest to teachers, based on the current study and what we know from previous best practice studies, the following recommendations: creating an atmosphere in class that increases comfort and confidence and developing good classroom relationships. The organization of the program, including homework and time spent on corrections, should be considered relevant.

Ultimately, this model helps us to understand the emotional and motivational processes that favor academic performance in the subjects of English and math, demonstrating good robustness in the university environment. In addition, the importance of teaching based on support for student autonomy, in order to increase their interest and motivation toward these subjects, is highlighted.

In this way, students show more willingness to use different strategies for meaningful learning, resulting in increased learning, and academic performance.

The datasets generated in this article are not publicly available. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to corresponding author JA-P. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Although our perceptions are built from sensations, not all sensations result in perception. This is known as sensory adaptation. Imagine entering a classroom with an old analog clock. Upon first entering the room, you can hear the ticking of the clock; as you begin to engage in conversation with classmates or listen to your professor greet the class, you are no longer aware of the ticking. The clock is still ticking, and that information is still affecting sensory receptors of the auditory system.

The fact that you no longer perceive the sound demonstrates sensory adaptation and shows that while closely associated, sensation and perception are different. There is another factor that affects sensation and perception: attention. Attention plays a significant role in determining what is sensed versus what is perceived.

Imagine you are at a party full of music, chatter, and laughter. You get involved in an interesting conversation with a friend, and you tune out all the background noise. If someone interrupted you to ask what song had just finished playing, you would probably be unable to answer that question. See for yourself how inattentional blindness works by watching this selective attention test from Simons and Chabris :.

One of the most interesting demonstrations of how important attention is in determining our perception of the environment occurred in a famous study conducted by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris In this study, participants watched a video of people dressed in black and white passing basketballs.

Participants were asked to count the number of times the team in white passed the ball. During the video, a person dressed in a black gorilla costume walks among the two teams. You would think that someone would notice the gorilla, right? Because participants were so focused on the number of times the white team was passing the ball, they completely tuned out other visual information.

The increasing control of actions with age is a major result of perceptual learning, as infants become more skillful at perceiving steps and other features of the ground and learn to control their balance when walking up and down slopes. By enrichment they meant knowledge of the ways that objects and events tend to be associated with other objects and events.

Their paper was in part a reaction to the predominant view of learning at the time: that learning was the "enrichment" of responses through their association with largely arbitrary stimulus conditions. The authors provided a sharp counterpoint to this view. Instead of conceiving of the world as constructed by add-on processes of association, they viewed perceivers as actively searching for the stimuli they needed to guide their actions and decisions, and in this way coming to differentiate the relevant features situated in a given set of circumstances from the irrelevant ones.

Learning in the Development of Infant Locomotion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Berkeley: University of California Press. William Damon, Vol. Deanna Kuhn and Robert S. New York: Wiley. Perceptual Learning and Adaptation: Selected Readings. Harmonds-worth, Eng. Music Cognition. New York: Academic Press. Varieties of Perceptual Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill. Perceptual Learning. New York: Oxford University Press.

Principles of Perceptual Learning and Development. Visual Perception and Cognition in Infancy. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Nancy Eisenberg. Marshall M. Haith, Janette B. Benson, and Ralph J.


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