How fast can sonic the hedgehog run
In Sonic Unleaded the check points would report his speed in excess of miles an hour. The Sonic Adventure DX manual lists him at least as fast as miles an hour hypersonic After that he developed light speed attacks and the ability to travel at light speed and to freeze time. Improve this answer. Mark Rogers Imagine if he used premium! This screencap is from Sonic Adventure 1. Community Bot 1.
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In the live-action film, however, Sonic is shown to be traveling at a much slower rate early on in the film. Traveling about 70 ft per frame in a scene with a total of 24 frames, Sonic therefore travels at a rate of 1, ft per second or 1, mph.
Assuming he's running on a level plane accounting for the curvature of the Earth , Sonic should be able to see objects his own size roughly two miles away. Given his speed, he'd cover that distance in roughly 10 seconds. This would give him plenty of time to adjust for such an object and move out of its way.
The trouble comes in when he has to account for smaller objects, or for larger ones moving when he's closer to them. The reaction time the time needed for light to enter your eye, hit your brain, and elicit a response from your muscles is about. At the speed of sound, Sonic would be traveling approximately feet while his brain was processing the visual input in front of him. Even accounting for the brain's lag-correction , any changes to the landscape within the first feet or so in front of Sonic would be invisible to him.
He'd come into contact with any moving object before his brain ever had a chance to notice. No matter how fast you run, you can't outrun the speed of cognitive processing. In order for Sonic to stay alive with the sort of speed he's at, he'd need a whole host of other superpowers just to prevent himself from becoming mush the first time he turned on the afterburners.
The next best thing or worst, given the political climate after his incredible speed is Sonic's penchant for collecting gold. Riches abound in Sonic's world and gold coins almost the size of his body are all over the place. Sonic swoops them up while he runs, tucking them into his… pockets? The in-game rings are about the size of Sonic's head.
We'll assume a foot in diameter. Even if we're being conservative, we're talking about an amount of gold equal to a standard gold bar — about ounces, or roughly 25 pounds. Just three of them would amount to Sonic carrying his weight in gold while running at Mach 1. The number of rings he's able to carry, with no impact on his speed, is limited only by the number available in a given level.
This raises a whole host of questions about his true top speed. Surely if he can maintain momentum while carrying thousands of pounds of gold, he could go faster without that burden. Moving on to his Spin Dash, it takes Sonic 0. Now moving on to his speed in animations, we see Sonic run through a circular tree at high speeds early in the game. It takes him 0. A little less due to the tree's thickness, but regardless, this gives us a radius of 2. Lastly, we have the loops.
In this game, the loops are px in diameter, or 1. We can also see from the same picture that Sonic, in his ball form, is 79 px in diameter once more, meaning that the ball form in this game is 0. This is our last game for this blog. All we need here is his foot speed, his Spin Dash speed, the speed of a new technique called the Super Peel-Out, and his speed when going through a loop. This game does have cutscenes we can calculate from, but we already did that in our last Sonic blog.
In this video , we can see that Sonic is px tall. So that gives us his normal foot speed.