How old is wesley hofer

Wesley Hofer is now 37 years old. You can contact Wesley Hofer via Wesley F Hofer is currently 96 years old. Below is a list of names similar to Wesley Hofer considering there might be possible spelling mistakes. In case you didn't find the one you were looking for, try those variations of Wesley Hofer. Total number of people with this first and last name in our database. This number reflects how often this altername is used by persons named. This part shows the phone numbers that possibly belongs to Wesley Hofer.

This unit encompasses information concerning the possible addresses of Wesley Hofer. After in-depth study, we have provided a comprehensive report about the age distribution of people named Wesley Hofer. The age group of makes up View public record results.

Wesley Hofer , Age Relatives Joy Hofer ; Philip Hofer ;. Wesley R Hofer , Age Phone number ;. Wesley F Hofer , Age Lives Road 68, Dinuba, CA;. Phone number ; ;. Wesley Hofer. Looking for another Wesley? Wesley Davis persons, age 32 to Wesley Anderson persons, age 21 to Wesley Adams persons, age 25 to Wesley Taylor persons, age 36 to Wesley Thompson persons, age 28 to Wesley Turner persons, age 28 to Wesley Alexander persons, age 32 to Wesley Andrews 91 persons, age 27 to Wesley Daniels 90 persons, age 18 to Characters: 4 of 4 Full List.

As the Renaissance man of King Colony, Wesley can pretty much do it all. He somehow found time between farming duties to earn a college degree online in business administration and law with just a 12kbps Internet connection. You'll find him passing the time in the tractor listening to political talk radio or programming a new GPS software in the seeder to help save money and time for the colony. He's also a certified public water operator, part-time school bus driver, and volunteer firefighter.

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