What is the difference between alliteration and personification
Our super heroes can be added to this section. Song lyrics and different composition styles make use of alliteration. The modern RAP song takes full advantage of alliteration combining sounds and words to make the lyrics memorable.
What is Repetition? It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, It was the age of foolishness. What role does repetition play in literary circles? Repetition in writing adds the extra stress or importance to the message being given.
There are different styles of repetition. There are a variety of repetitive formats used by writers and poets. The following are the most well known in literary circles. Conduplication — is the repetition of a word in various places within a piece of writing.
It is used to explain concepts or stress the importance of an idea. Diacope — The repeated words are separated by the addition of new words placed between them. For example: Hungry cats lash out not because they are mean, but because they are hungry.
Using repetition and rhyming he creates a silly style of writing that appeals to young children. And… From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. Alliteration Vs. Repetition Summary of Alliteration Vs. Repetition: Alliteration and repetition are both used as a way of enhancing a piece of poetry or prose writing. They bring more resonance to the work. Alliteration uses sounds to stress the dialogue or rhymes while repetition uses words or phrases repeatedly to add value or emphasis to the writing.
Repetition is used by speech makers to stress points in a speech or to connect their audience with themselves through the speech. Alliteration has been successfully used in branding and marketing of specific products.
Repetition has several ways to use this technique and has been successfully used in classical literature by authors like Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare. Alliteration can appear to be immature and lose its impact if it is over done.
It may appear more like a riddle or childish rhyme rather than a piece of memorable writing. Repetition helps young readers with their early reading skills. It engages the listener in the story with repeated rhymes or words a particular character may say. Repetition is very persuasive and puts the reader at ease as the same phrases are a reminder of something positive. Alliteration adds harmony and memorable lyrics to the words of a poem or drama to a piece of prose as the different sounds are used creatively.
Dear Mrs. Scholastic Press, This book portrays the main character Ike, the dog with clearly identifiable humanlike qualities in a humorous manner. You will need multiple copies of this book.
The Blue Sky Press, Orchard Books, Key Porter Books, Related Unit and Lesson Plans. Formative Assessment. Observe students and record anecdotal notes and information about their participation and knowledge of both personification and alliteration. If necessary, review examples of personification in other LaRue books written by Mark Teague and other alliteration books listed in Materials with the class or with individual students or small groups.
Student creates an illustration that personifies an animal, object, or abstract idea. Student composes a coherent, meaningful alliterative sentence.
Suggested Instructional Supports. View Active Engagement, Modeling, Explicit Instruction W : Help students activate their prior knowledge of figurative language; then explore and apply personification and alliteration in fiction. H : Engage students through a creative exercise that leads them to review the definitions of personification and alliteration.
E : Have students explore the use of personification and alliteration in literature and apply their knowledge of these literary devices by finding examples. R : Help students extend their understanding of personification by working with a partner to match original titles with alliterative titles.
E : Allow students to apply what they have learned about personification and alliteration by writing alliterative sentences. O : The learning activities in this lesson provide for large-group instruction and discussion, small-group exploration, partner interaction, and individual application of the concepts.
Instructional Procedures. View Focus Question: How does the use of figurative language impact the meaning of fictional text? Part 1 Show students two different classroom objects e. Answer: Ike—dog being personified Possible text evidence: writing letters to owner talking and thinking like a human having a conscience lying receiving an award and being known as a hero Have students think about and discuss why authors might use personification in their writing.
Part 2 Review alliteration. As an example, provide students with the following alliterative sentence: W inter w hispered quietly w hile w hite snow fell. Ask students to suggest ways to illustrate the sentence. Extension: Students who need additional opportunities for learning can read other books listed in Materials that use personification.
Guide students to identify examples of personification in each text and explore how the use of personification affects meaning. Using The Snowman and Sector 7, or other wordless books, encourage students who are ready to go beyond the standard to create alliterative sentences to tell the stories. Have students identify what object or abstract idea is being personified through the illustrations and explain how the personification supports meaning.
Give students the opportunity to read their picture books to the rest of the class, using their alliterative sentences. Related Instructional Videos Note: Video playback may not work on all devices. Instructional videos haven't been assigned to the lesson plan. Please wait Help students activate their prior knowledge of figurative language; then explore and apply personification and alliteration in fiction.
Engage students through a creative exercise that leads them to review the definitions of personification and alliteration.
Have students explore the use of personification and alliteration in literature and apply their knowledge of these literary devices by finding examples. Personification involves giving human attributes to forces or inanimate objects, as when we think of branches "groaning". And examples of rhyme appear in writing all the time Try to use these devices in your own English writing - they are great for making writing more interesting and enjoyable!
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Join Us Login. If you write "The old train was asleep in the siding" then you are using personification. A train can't really sleep! Words Alliteration, Simile, Rhyme, Personification 01 Enjoyable KS3 English Quiz This quiz helps you to revise alliteration repetition of sounds , simile like, as , rhyme word endings sounding similar and personification life given to objects. There's no such thing as too much practice, so see if you can get 10 out of 10 in this quiz!
Choose the correct device s in the following sentence. The chair sat sternly, ready to receive its master. Alliteration and rhyme. Personification and alliteration. Rhyme and simile. Simile and alliteration.