When does mhcc winter term start
He went to work, and soon realized he. The next time I listened and did what was suggested. We are free to choose the specific techniques and to progress those patients within that plan of care. MHCC prepared me very well for this profession, with great instructors and real-life experiences. All programs offer frequent information sessions that provide specific details about the individual programs, requirements and application process. Anyone is welcome to attend and questions during the sessions are encouraged.
Dates and times of the information sessions can be found at mhcc. Graduates of most programs earn an associate degree, however, some programs take only a few months of college and result in a certificate of completion.
Great investment in your future More bang for your buck Education matches or exceeds that of any other school More than 80 areas of study Transfer agreements with colleges and universities throughout the Northwest Faculty and staff dedicated to your success. Check out pages 4—10 for a list of credit classes. Open registration begins Nov. Classes start Jan.
Find your course time, location and instructor by going online to mhcc. Some programs may be limited or restricted entry. Students must be accepted into the program in order to enroll in classes.
History: - HST U. Starts fall term. Small Business Development Center Cascade Athletic Club - S. Main St. Birdsdale Ave.
Marx St. Division St. Kane Rd. Towle Ave. Prescott St. Halsey St. Park Ave. Cherry Park Rd. Hood Ave. Buy for friends or family Automated confirmations Promotional discounts Links to venue maps Share on social sites Manage your account View course history Bundle and save Online registration is available now If you need assistance with the new online system, please call Our friendly staff will be happy to help you!
Go to learn. Select your course 3. Click add to cart 4. Click checkout 5. Login or create a new account 6. Pay with a credit or debit card. For more information on senior discounts visit: mhcc. Whalen Noon—2 p. Advanced knitters given more challenging projects. Supply list provided first class.
Fee includes some supplies. More advanced students may learn casting and light setting. Buyukas —9 p. Also, learn basic wire work, make findings and wrap bead ends. Determine tools and supplies needed after discussion on pattern selection, color theory, tools and techniques, sandwiching, quilting and binding. Lecture, guidelines and supply list are given at first class.
Second class is an all-day, hands-on workshop. Final class, students grout their creations. Tait 11 a. In this class, you will explore texture and layering techniques for mixed media works on a variety of surfaces, such as paper, canvas, wood and fabric.
You will be introduced to both fundamental and experimental painting techniques and encouraged to focus on texture, layering and color blending.
It will give you the experience for controlling the background of your paintings while enhancing skills in your approaches to abstract painting. Takahashi —9 p. Discover a variety of techniques for drawing from observation and challenge yourself to produce interesting, engaged and expressive drawings.
Driscoll 6— p. Japanese painting uses materials with close analogs in nature in order to engage with the environment. Discover the basic methods of pigment making and learn how to paint on a variety of surfaces.
Students will also explore design fundamentals. Some experience is helpful. Suggested instruments: guitar, bass, keys, vocal, drums, harmonica and horns. Prerequisite: a working knowledge of simple blues forms or progressions.
Bring your own amplifier. Fitzgerald — p. Rochlin 10 a. Learn to tune, strum and play melodies. All levels welcome but beginners are the focus. Start with simple chord structures then move to songs.
Bring guitar to class. Jones 6— p. Light theory will be taught as well as strumming and picking techniques. Learn color mixing, composition and color theory. Explore different ways of seeing to become more visually literate. Students work on subjects of their choice in a supportive, relaxed environment. Supply list at class.
Beginning and continuing students welcome. Learn how to search for information and send and receive emails and attachments. Create, save and print useful computer projects in Microsoft Word. No experience necessary but music background a plus. Learn light music theory, ukulele history, techniques, chords and melodies.
Bring ukulele to class. All skill levels are encouraged and welcome. Come build the guitar of your dreams. Emphasis is on vision training, drawing what you see and painting what you feel. Your own style will develop and expand through learning process and technique, including drawing shortcuts and color theory.
Hobbs 9 a. Canon lenses, flash units discussed. Green 9 a. Green 6—10 p. Includes technical assistance, more. For more information visit mhcc.
Morgan — p. Flow through a progressive series of core centered exercises that restore balance to the lower back and abdominals. Mat Pilates has been proven to improve emotional balance, mental clarity, boost the immune system and stimulate circulation and blood oxygenation.
Bring a mat and be ready to have fun. Latshaw 5— p. Berry 10—11 a. Berry 2—3 p. Covers the two foundational components: East Coast swing and waltz. Enrolled partner required. All levels welcome. Bring 1- or 2-pound weights for strength training and stretching.
No floor exercise. Students will learn basic tap vocabulary and style culminating in a choreographed dance. Come join the fun! Review basic steps and rhythms of waltz and East Coast swing.
Learn new steps, add styling and musicality. Prerequisite: Beginning ballroom dance or basic waltz and East Coast swing. Body isolations, stretching, movement combinations and veil work will be included. Miller 7— p. Perfect for seniors and those with lower fitness levels or physical limitations. Easy to follow at any size or age. Latshaw 4— p. Increase flexibility, joint stability, dynamic balance, coordination, reaction time, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Dobson 1— p. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. Dobson — a. Dobson — p. R — p. This class is geared for anyone who can ride a bike. T — p. Glasnapp ZION — a. Glasnapp CLUB — a. Glasnapp ZION 10—11 a. Learn new and innovative water aerobic exercises in the shallow end of the swimming pool. Furness — p. Stretch and revitalize your whole body while challenging balance and developing core stabilization.
Dobson Noon— p. Release tension and tone and strengthen muscles, bones and organs. Improve concentration, calm the mind and emotions. Wear loose clothing; bring a mat, blanket and pillow. Entry level, ages 18 and up. Corgiat — a. Corgiat 8— a. Corgiat 6— p. The Plum Flower Chinese broadsword set will also be practiced. Swords available for use in class.
Newman — p. M Sec. Brown — p. Learn through kata forms , kumite sparring and practice. Self defense and safe practices taught in a blend of traditional karate and modern sport style training.
Davis 9— a. Discuss organic and nonorganic options, watering, planting methods, weed control and mulching, harvesting and seed collecting. Schmidt — p. Learn the more in-depth concepts of planting and timing, crop rotations, cover crops, weather, crop protections and soil preparation.
Understand the causes of mycelium degradation and solutions for restoring fungal balance in the environment. HE3AP Free Learn how to teach children that they have a right to feel safe, to understand what it means to be safe and to know what to do when they are feeling unsafe. Teachers and parents will walk away with skills and confidence to start conversations with the children in their lives.
Inflation, investments, taxes and more are taught in the context of retirement planning. To register, call Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce at VonBorstel — p. T Sec. VonBorstel 9 a. Master decorating techniques and achieve current industry standards for production. Recognition of Completion certificate awarded upon completion. For all levels, no experience necessary.
Additional supplies needed, supply list provided first day of class. Earnest 7— p. R Sec. Learn to make formulas, tinctures, salves and other herbal remedies. Learn everything you need to know to get started using sign language with your pre-verbal baby. This is an adults-only workshop, but non-mobile babies are welcome. Learn to use sign language with your baby. Read books, sing songs and play games that promote language and cognitive development.
Civil War. Covers safety and responsibility of firearm ownership, how to obtain a CHL, where the permit is valid, how to interact with law enforcement and use of deadly force as described in Oregon Revised Statues ORS. Are your closets a mess? Learn how just a few small, easy changes can have a big impact on your life.
Binns — p. Do you crave time alone? Are you easily overwhelmed by noise, confusion or crowds? If so, you might be highly sensitive. This workshop provides practical information to help the highly sensitive person survive and thrive both at work and at home, when the world feels overwhelming. Students must be computer and Internet literate. Eakman 9 a. Storla mhcc. Kauffman mhcc. The Employment Skills Training EST Certificate providesflexibility for students who are seeking specific training for anoccupational goal and job-entry preparation.
Industry54 Mt. Division deans have finalauthority over setting said minimum proficiencies. Students must meet college proficiency and prerequisiterequirements for all courses included in the approved plan. Occupational proficiency is defined specific to chosenoccupations and industry standards.
Planning a Curriculum - Creating a Certificate:Before beginning a curriculum, students are required to have apre-approved plan in place. AllMHCC college-level courses are eligible to be included in thecertificate. Developmental or basic education courses may notbe included as part of the certificate. Minimum proficiencies and plan contents are reviewed,amended and approved by the division dean. A copy of theapproved plan is provided to the student, the adviser and theAdmissions, Registration and Records Office.
Students must have an approved EST Individual Student Plan onfile with the Admissions, Registration and Records Office by thebeginning of their final term and this will serve as the petitionfor certificate completion. It is the responsibility of the student topetition for the certificate. If the student does not complete thecourse of study after one year, the plan will be purged and thestudent will need to reinstate another plan. Engineering TechnologyPrograms: Architectural, Civil orMechanicalEngineering Technology is a technical career that involves thepractical application of science and mathematics along withengineering knowledge, methods and skills to support activities indesign, manufacturing, construction, environmental managementand sustainability.
Engineering technicians provide a criticallink between design professionals and craftspeople doing thework. Employment opportunities exist for men and women inthis growing, fast-paced and ever-evolving occupation.
Emphasis is on hands-on experience with much of the courseworkfocusing on usual tasks that technicians actually perform inindustry on a day-to-day basis. Skills and abilities expectedof a technician participating in engineering related fieldsinclude: computer literacy, problem solving, critical thinking,communication, flexibility and the ability to work in teams.
Withthe tremendous range of jobs related to engineering technology,some employers may require only a few of these skills whereothers may need all of them and more.
Listed below are the requirements for all four degrees offered. Questions may be directed to the program adviser as listed foreach engineering degree. Many opportunities exist inthe construction industry, including: building design, constructionmanagement, inspection, quality control, materials sales andtechnical support. Architectural engineering technicians findemployment with structural design firms, general and specialtycontractors, and engineered component manufacturers.
Jobopportunities also exist in various parts of federal, state andlocal government. Students wishing to seek higher levels of architecturaleducation after AET should take ART courses as relatedelectives and consult with the program adviser.
Thomas McCormack: Thomas. McCormack mhcc. The highways and streets we drive on; the airports,harbors, and railroads that connect our country; the waterand sewer systems that protect our health; and the dikes anddams that protect our property are all the product of the civilengineering team.
The civil engineering team also supportsthe work of architects by designing building sites, foundationsand the structural framework on which the actual buildingis constructed.
Typical job titles for this degree include civilengineering technician, survey technician, design drafter,construction inspector and materials technician.
The environmental option will providepreparation that allows civil engineering technicians to supportcivil engineers in the environmental issues related to all areas ofcity, county and state infrastructure.
Donaldson mhcc. Thesecourses give students experience in mechanical design at atechnician level. Included in the scope of many courses is theuse of state of the art computer-aided design CAD equipmentsuch as AutoCAD for computer drawing, Solidworks forsolid modeling and 3-D rapid prototype creation for productdevelopment.
Mechanical Engineering Technology MET students find employment in many types of manufacturing thuscreating a wide variety of job possibilities such as an engineeringtechnician, drafter and CAD technician in light to heavy productdesign industries.
Typical employers would be manufacturers ofmaterial handling equipment, transportation equipment, medicalequipment, recreation equipment and materials testing. The METprogram also offers a one-year certificate for those successfullycompleting the first three terms of the two-year AAS degree. Contact the MET adviser for more information.
MTH is a prerequisitefor PH Studentsmaking these selections will need to modify their educationplan - contact the faculty adviser. Engineering Technology Related ElectivesThe following is a list of pre-approved related electives for theprogram indicated.
The program adviser for the degree beingsought must approve other related electives on a Petition for Catalog Exception form. Sci II: Intro to Envir. Hanna mhcc. Chaney mhcc. Over and above such required work as fishbiology, fish husbandry and fishery techniques, a significantportion of the program will provide hands-on experiencethrough field and propagation projects, including operations inthe campus fish hatchery. Students completing the program willusually assist in propagation and rearing of game and food fish.
Because of the rigorous activity demanded by the work, goodphysical condition is a necessity. Fisheries Technology is a limited-entry program. Admission willbe on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission is based ondate of application and satisfactory completion of placementcriteria.
Once you have read theapplication packet, if you have questions about the admissionprocess, please call Although not required, students are encouraged to selectfrom the list of suggested electives below. Ferrin mhcc. Joseph, MO, , Transfer credit from anaccredited college or university may apply against comparablecourses offered in the curriculum. Hood Community College can beearned by following a prescribed course of instruction whichrequires six quarters in residence.
According to accreditation standards of the American Board ofFuneral Service Education, an individual must take the NationalBoard Examination as written by the International Conferenceof Funeral Service Examining Boards, in order to complete theFuneral Service degree from any accredited program. Prospective students must satisfactorily meet admission programcriteria and the application deadline to be considered foradmission.
Application packets are available on our websiteat www. Once you have read theapplication materials, if you have questions about the admissionprocess, you can call Application deadline isin February. MTH must be taken prior to or concurrently withCH Refer to course information in the back of this catalog for adescription. Note: While graduation from high school is not required foradmission to the College , national accreditation standardsrequire that a high school diploma or the equivalent be onfile before the student can be admitted to the Funeral ServiceEducation program.
Fifteen college-level credits may besubstituted for this requirement. Criteria for selecting students give priority to those applicantswho have apprentice experience. Somewhat less priority isgiven to those with related work experience. Other criteria givepriority to applicants from Oregon, then slightly less priority forWashington, Idaho and Montana applicants. All other statesare treated equally. More information is available, including the FSE studenthandbook at www.
Carrier mhcc. The curriculum includesinstruction and training in hotel, travel, recreation, tourism, foodservice, convention and meeting planning, culinary and relatedservice industries. TheComputer Information Systems program offers three-creditcourses. Selection mustbe approved on a Catalog Exception form. Students must show proof of age. Please refer to the Software Training section of the schedule. Selection must be approved on a Catalog Exception form.
Note: Please check the course descriptionsection of the catalog for those courses which require aprerequisite. The curriculum includes instructionand training in hotel, travel, recreation, tourism, food service,convention and meeting planning, culinary, and related serviceindustries.
Kiggins mhcc. Maier mhcc. Schommer mhcc. Spielmann mhcc. Students gain valuablework experience by collaborating on a variety of real-worldprojects and taking advantage of one of the many for-creditinternships available at regional firms and agencies.
Studentswho complete an Associate of Applied Science degree cancontinue their educations at a four-year university or seekimmediate employment. Descriptions detailing the curriculum of these programs follow. Admission RequirementsStudents must have a current record on file and meet theminimum proficiency level in reading, writing and mathematics.
Call for information about taking the College Placement Test. EnrollmentStudents can simply register on a first-come, first-served basis forfall in late May when the open registration periodbegins. Wait lists will be established for each option as thecourses fill to capacity. Requirement for Continuing into Winter Term Students must have the consent of their IM program adviserand meet the proficiencies of the program classes to continueinto the Winter Integrated Media courses. Students willbe provided with clear performance expectations when classesstart in September.
For more information, please contact an Integrated Mediafaculty adviser or visit www. Students also develop an understandingof the concepts behind the production of audio for otherdisciplines such as film and video, animation, music and Webbasedmultimedia.
For students interested in music production,sound design for film, video games and Web applications,the Broadcasting program is a complete and comprehensivecurriculum combining hands-on training and live broadcastingfrom fully equipped studios. The program includes instruction inradio programming, commercial production, news, voice-overs,sportscasting, music programming, station management, audiorecording, sound mixing and copywriting.
The student radio stationaffords students real life experience in running a radio stationthat broadcasts 24 hours a day, days a year on the highdefinition secondary digital service of MHCC graduates have secured positions as radio programdirectors, on-air talent, recording engineers, assistant producers,operation managers, assistant producers and sound editors. There are also numerous internship opportunities at commercialradio and television stations in the Portland market where studentscan earn college credits, develop invaluable professionalconnections and expand their education on the job.
Admission RequirementsThe Integrated Media: Broadcasting program is an open-entry,fall-term-start-only program beginning in fall Prospectivestudents are admitted on a space available basis after academiccriteria has been met. Students must have a current record on file and meet theminimum proficiency level in reading, writing and mathematics. Requirement for Continuing into Winter Term Students must have the consent of their faculty programadviser and meet the proficiencies of their fall program classesto continue into the winter Integrated Media courses.
Students will be provided with clear performance expectationswhen classes start in September. For more information, please contact an Integrated Media facultyadviser or visit www. The graphic design curriculum places an equal focus on printedand screen-based solutions. Our instruction incorporatesthe newest and most sophisticated tools involving a skill setthat encompasses motion graphics, digital photography andillustration techniques.
Projects include type and editorial design,branding, packaging, multimedia presentations and websitedesign. Students create several portfolios of their original designwork: a traditional print portfolio, a Web-based portfolio or blogand a PDF to send clients and prospective employers. Graduates of this program can continue on to a four-year collegeto secure a bachelors degree or will be qualified to work asWeb designers, publication designers, graphic design assistants,junior art directors, marketing and promotions assistants.
Interested studentsshould contact the Integrated Media: Graphic Design programadviser, Chris Maier for additional information. Admission RequirementsThe Integrated Media: Graphic Design program is an open-entry,fall-term-start-only program beginning in fall Students must have a current record on file and meet the minimumproficiency level in reading, writing and mathematics.
A highly personalizedlook can open doors to a diverse range of career opportunities. The Integrated Media Photography program balances personalartistic development with an intensive focus on technicalskills and building commercially-viable sensibilities.
Studentsexplore contemporary photographic applications of digitaltechnology: composition, portraiture, digital workflow andmedia management, studio and location lighting, applicationsof DSLR video and freelance business practices.
Students willalso receive a strong foundation in digital photo enhancementand manipulation techniques. Working in creative design teams,students create both print and Web-based projects in a realworldenvironment.
Each student is responsible for creating atraditional printed portfolio and a Web-based portfolio uponcompletion of the program. Davis mhcc. Polly mhcc. Thomas mhcc.
Walters mhcc. Studentsin this program receive instruction in precision measurement,material layout, blueprint reading, machine tool and weldingmachinery setup and operation.
Manual and CNC computernumerical controlled aspects of machine tool, welding andcutting technologies are explored. Those interested in pursuing a degree in IntegratedMetals should contact a program adviser for assistance inplanning their program of instruction.
Application packets areavailable on our website at www. Once you have read the application packet, if you havequestions, please call Entry into the Integrated Metals AAS program is permissible fall,winter or spring terms based on individual qualifications andapproval from program advisers. See program adviser. Studentswanting to take WR may need to take WR as aprerequisite if indicated by their writing placement level.
Note: Students interested in transferring to OIT should consultwith program advisers early in the first quarter. Students participating in the program will spend considerabletime in study and actual operation of industrial equipment andtools used by machinists. This includes emphasis on the setupand operation of CNC computer numerical controlled lathesand milling machines. The program is designed tooffer a broad background of experiences in the metalworkingoccupations.
Students are expected to have a set of machinist tools. Employment OpportunitiesMany opportunities exist in the manufacturing industries for themachinist. Entry into the Machine Tool Technology program is permissiblefall, winter or spring terms based on individual qualifications andapproval from program advisers.
Students participating in the programspend time in study and operation of industrial equipment andtools used by machinists. This includes basic introduction to thesetup and operation of CNC Computer Numerical Controlled lathes and milling machines.
The program is designed to offer anintroduction to metalworking occupations. This will assiststu-dents seeking either entry-level skills or skills upgrade forthose already working in the metals manufacturing environment.
Students seeking this certificate should contact a program adviserfor assistance in planning their educational plans. Therefore students should apply for admission tothe Integrated Metals program. Application packets are availableon our website at www. Once youhave read the application packet, if you have questions, pleasecall This will include study of cutting tool applications in themanufacture of simple parts using the basic Cartesian coordinatesystems through an introduction to 3-D modeling.
Each course isfive weeks long and may be offered in any term depending onsufficient enrollment. These lab exerciseswill be specifically provided to meet specific areas and skillsin which the student needs additional practice.
Those interestedneed to contact program advisers for information and assistancein enrolling in an applications lab. These introductorycourses will initiate those interested to the basic operationsof engine lathes, milling machines and drill presses, as wellas the skills related to reading blueprints and the application ofmeasuring tools.
For additional information, contact program advisers. This group of courses is taught to a closed cohort of students inan accelerated format that will enable them to prepare for entrylevelCNC operator positions. This course of instruction includestraining in industrial safety, basic blueprint reading, manual lathe,milling machine and drill press operations, as well as introductoryCNC setup and operation of CNC lathes and mills.
The accelerated format enables the student to obtainthese basic skills in six months two terms. Students are required to take IMTL in preparation for thisprogram.
However, it may be taken concurrently with the FirstQuarter classes. These courses offergood choices for those wishing to upgrade their welding skillsor to learn a new process. The curriculum is a day programdesigned to provide instruction for completion of specifiedweld test plates in various positions, as well as opportunities toobtain AWS Welder Certification. Processes include shieldedmetal arc, gas metal arc, flux cored arc and gas tungsten arcwelding.
Training in manual and CNC plasma cutting is included. Studentscompleting the one-year certificate will have completed nearlyone half of the degree requirements for the Integrated MetalsAAS Associate of Applied Science degree. This program is designed for fall term entry.
Entry during winterterm may delay program completion by one or more terms andis based on individual qualifications as determined by weldingtechnology instructors, and completion of admission criteria.
No students will be accepted in the spring. This is a limitedentryprogram. Students must apply and be accepted into theprogram to have their major changed to one of the IntegratedMetals Welding program options. Students who apply themselves in the program and obtain asatisfactory level of competence in welding should be able tosecure employment in many areas, including ship repair, metalfabrication, construction and maintenance welding.
Most companiesrequire the prospective employee to pass a welding testas a condition of employment. This program will assist the studentin preparing for welder qualification testing and providetesting opportunities for AWS certification in one or more positionsand processes that will provide the skill credential for entryinto a position in industry as a certified welder.
AWS certification in aparticular process and position is often what is needed for one toqualify for a welding position in many manufacturing industries. Entry during winterterm may delay program completion by one or more terms andis based on individual qualifications as determined by weldingtechnology instructors and completion of admission criteria.
This is a limitedentry program. For additional information, contact programadvisers. This group of courses is taught in an acceleratedformat that will enable students to prepare for AWS certificationexams at the end of their six-month two-term program.
Students demonstratingsufficient skills will have opportunity to test for AWS certificationin their preferred process and position. However, it may be taken concurrently with the secondquarter classes. Wickham mhcc. This option appeals to one whoenjoys helping people, wants to work in a professional settingand prefers a variety of job assignments. Students interested in administrative work in a medicalsetting should enjoy working with healthcare professionals,demonstrate strong communication skills, show an interest inmedical and health issues and be dedicated to professionalism.
Students should have typing competency and basic formattingknowledge before enrolling in classes in this program. Medical Officestudents must document completion of the three-dose Hepatitis Bvaccine series and complete a Measles Immunization ClearanceCertificate for School Attendance form prior to beginning theexternship placement process. Some externship sites may requirefurther immunizations. See program director for site specificrequirements.
This certificate prepares students for the ever-changing fieldof medical reception, and graduates can find employment inmedical offices, hospitals, clinics, insurance companies andnursing homes.
Students who complete this shorter MedicalReceptionist program can go to work and return at any time tocomplete the Medical Office Specialist AAS degree.
MedicalOffice students must document completion of the three-doseHepatitis B vaccine series and complete a Measles ImmunizationClearance Certificate for School Attendance form prior tobeginning the externship placement process. Some externshipsites may require further immunizations. See program director forsite specific requirements. The program includes instruction in the procedures usedin medical offices, hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Alsoincluded in the program are classes in medical terminology,interpersonal communication skills, record-keeping, customerservice, telephone skills, data entry, multicultural and diversityissues, and applicable policies and regulations. Studentsparticipate in an internship during their final term of study.
This program is designed for persons of all ages andbackgrounds with special attention given to individual studentneeds and abilities. Graduates can find employment in medical offices, hospitals,clinics, insurance companies and nursing homes.
Students who complete this career pathway certificate can goto work and come back at any time to complete a one-yearcertificate as a medical receptionist or a two-year degree as amedical office specialist. This program is not financial aid eligible.
Students interested in accounting work in a medical setting shouldenjoy working with healthcare professionals, demonstrate strongcommunication skills, show an interest in medical and healthissues and be dedicated to professionalism. Students shouldhave typing competency and basic formatting knowledgebefore enrolling in classes in this program.
The management specialist most often aspiresto manage some segment of a medical organization. Students interested in management work in a medical settingshould enjoy working with healthcare professionals, demonstratestrong communication skills, show an interest in medicaland health issues and be dedicated to professionalism.
Studentsshould have typing competency and basic formatting knowledgebefore enrolling in classes in this program. A claims analyst uses the same skills as a billing specialist.
The duties of a claims analyst may include: overseeing claimsprocessing and payments to third-party providers, monitoringcharges and verifying correct payment of claims, sending denialletters on claims and sending follow-up requests for information.
The claims analyst reviews payment reports for accuracyand compliance. Coders may specialize by department or by disease dependingon the type of employer. Coders will check medical charts foraccuracy and completion, verify signatures, verify medical data incomputers, clarify information or diagnosis by communicating withthe provider and assign the appropriate diagnosis and proceduralcodes.
These codes are used for insurance and billing purposes. Heor she works in a dynamic medical setting with physicians,nurses and other healthcare professionals. Desirable traits ofa unit secretary include strong communication skills, flexibility,professionalism and responsibility. Students should have typingcompetency and basic formatting knowledge before enrolling inclasses in this program. Allen mhcc. Ann Bonner: Ann. Bonner mhcc. Hannigan-McNamara mhcc. Classroom study and practicalexperiences are combined to prepare the student to work incommunity and institutional treatment facilities.
These facilitiesdeal with the emotional, social and physical needs of thechemically dependent, the adolescent, the mentally ill and theelderly, as well as others. Courses include basic informationin group dynamics, community resources, case management,interviewing and other helping skills. Interested students should contact program advisers foradditional information. Once you have read the applicationpacket, if you have questions, please call or Please check the MHCC website for any curricular changes thathave occurred since the catalog was published.
Students must apply for college admission as a generalstudies major at www. Track A references courses related tochemical dependency and Track B references coursesrelated to working with youth. Please consult with yourMHCC faculty adviser.
Program Web Link: www. A one-year sequence ofcourses, it is designed to prepare the entry-level youth worker foremployment in youth serving agencies. Course work is theoryand experiential-based. Students may elect to attend part time.
Students may alsoelect to take selected courses from the certificate program listing. Within the application materials, applicants need to designatethe Youth Worker Certificate as their major. Students can obtainthe application materials on our website at www. Once you have read the application packet, ifyou have questions, please call DeYoung mhcc. Pinkerton mhcc. Foresttechnicians serve in a wide variety of capacities and may workin such diverse areas as reforestation, mapping, vegetationinventory, outdoor recreation, timber appraisal, land surveying,harvesting, stream surveys, wildlife habitat enhancement andwildlife suppression.
Good physical condition and the willingness to work in allkinds of weather are important for those interested in outdoorfield positions. There are also more limited opportunities forthose who would prefer to stay indoors. These would includeintroductory positions in GIS, aerial photo interpretation anddatabase management. Outdoor labs are an integral part of the coursework. Studentslearn practical field techniques used while employed in localforests, parks and natural areas.
The courses incorporatetechnologically advanced equipment and software into the fielddata collection and analysis. In addition, each student completesa cooperative work internship, which gives college credit for onthe-jobwork experience. Application packets are available on our website at www.
Once you have read the applicationpacket, if you have questions about the admission process,please call Selected courses may be transferred to several four-yearinstitutions in appropriate bachelor degree programs. Checkwith the program adviser for current information. Related ElectivesThe related elective is intended to provide enrichment in an areaof interest to the student.
In selecting a related elective, studentsshould consult with their adviser to determine which course willbest meet their academic and professional goals. See adviser for baccalaureate curriculum. Shriner mhcc. This ecosystem-centered program prepares studentsfor jobs such as conducting wildlife and stream surveys,assessing wildlife habitat and prescribing restoration activities.
Employment opportunities exist in local, state and federalagencies and in private industry. A majority of the coursework involves hands-on experiencesin classroom and field settings. Students use a variety ofadvanced equipment and technology. Each student completesa cooperative work internship. Students may find this option abeginning point for the associate degree program. Griffin mhcc. The curriculum iscompetency based and addresses the need for nurses to beskilled in clinical judgment and critical thinking; evidenced-basedpractice; relationship-centered care; interdisciplinary collaboration;assisting individuals and families in self-care practices forpromotion of health and management of chronic and acuteillnesses; end-of-life care; and teaching, delegation, leadershipand supervision of caregivers.
Acceptance to the programallows for co-admission to Mt. The second and thirdyear of designated study will be taken at MHCC. Total creditsrequired to complete the program are a minimum of Licensureis granted through the Oregon State Board of Nursing.
Thestudent may elect to continue for the fourth year of study, leadingto a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, offered by OHSU. Alladmitted students must pass a criminal background check priorto entering the program. Program information sessionsare offered on a regular basis; dates and places are listed onthe website at www.
See MHCCwebsite at www. The nursing program does not accept transfer students from non-OCNE schools. Application Requirements Students are eligible to be considered for admission to thenursing program after completing 30 credit hours of coursesfrom the Required Pre-program Courses listed below. WR maycease to be offered beginning summer Two years of the same high school foreign language, ortwo terms of college-level foreign including Americansign language language credit, or a foreign languageproficiency examinationb.
MTH Probability and Statisticsthese classes can be applied toward elective requirements. PSY cannot be used to meet this requirement. Seepage 10 of the printed catalog. Fleshman mhcc. Hood Community College is four terms in length. The majority of the Practical Nursingcourses are offered online, or evenings and weekends. All labsand clinical are offered on site.
Licensure is grantedthrough the Oregon State Board of Nursing. This program curriculum will prepare students for the everchangingfield of practical nursing within a variety of healthcaresettings.
The program focuses on the practical nursing role ofproviding care under the supervision of a registered nurse orphysician in acute care, long term care and clinic healthcaresettings. Curriculum includes coursework from the biologicaland applied sciences including anatomy and physiology, socialsciences and humanities.
Coursework includestheoretical nursing concepts that address the practical nurse rolein patient teaching and the delivery of nursing skills accordingto current standards of practice. Curriculum threads include:care of the client throughout the lifespan, legal and ethicalresponsibilities of the licensed practical nurse and working withinan interdisciplinary team.
Specificrequirements and application packets are available at www. Program information sessions areoffered on a regular basis; dates and places are listed on thewebsite at www.
The following list ofcourses is intended for students taking their preparatory coursesat MHCC. For more information regarding the challenge examprocess, please go to www.
Students who have taken these courses prior tosummer may use the three-credit version to satisfy theWR and WR requirements. This is for the purpose of evaluating current skill level inreading and writing. Refer to www. Please check the MHCC Practical Nursing website for anycurricular changes that have occurred since the catalog waspublished. VanDover mhcc. Kjensrud mhcc.
Hood Community College is two years in length, leading to an associate degree. Course work consists of lecture and laboratory instruction oncampus, and supervised clinical experience in healthcarefacilities in the Portland metropolitan area and throughoutthe state.
Upon taking the national board examination andbecoming licensed, the assistant is qualified to work in anyhealthcare facility which provides supervision by a licensedphysical therapist. Further information and applications can be accessedfrom the MHCC website at www. Information sessions are also offered on a regular basis. Datesand times are listed on the website.
Once you have read theapplication materials and attended an information session, youmay call if you still have questions about theadmission process. Applicants to the Physical Therapist Assistant program mustbe physically and mentally able to cope with the rigors of thecurriculum and the demanding nature of the physical therapyprofession.
Established academic and clinical requirementsessential to the program of instruction apply to all students andcannot be waived. Attempts will be made to accommodateand retain qualified applicants with disabilities unless results ofevaluations indicate that given reasonable accommodation anindividual will still not be able to perform the essential functionsrequired by the program. Prospective students must complete pre-program courses priorto the application deadline to be considered for selection intothe program.
Eckrode mhcc. Respiratory carepractitioners work in a variety of settings, including hospitals,skilled nursing facilities, home care, research, education andmedical equipment sales. The program combines basic science and modern respiratorycare theory with clinical experience in local medical centers.
Both campus and clinical learning focus on all areas ofrespiratory care, which includes adult, neonatal and pediatric,general and intensive care. The Respiratory Care program prepares the student for bothlocal and national standards.
Graduates are eligible to takethe national entry level examination and the national advancedpractitioner level examinations administered by the NationalBoard for Respiratory Care. Passing these examinations servesto fulfill state licensure testing requirements. The respiratory care profession continues to develop and diversify.
Studies by the American Medical Association indicate thatthe need for respiratory care practitioners will continue to grow. The personal requirements necessary to succeed as a respiratorycare practitioner include a general aptitude for the biological andphysical sciences.
The respiratory care practitioner is requiredto understand the physiology and pathology of circulation andrespiration. Also required is the emotional maturity to deal withdecision making in critical life and death situations. Program GoalTo prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in thecognitive knowledge , psychomotor skills and affective behavior learning domains of respiratory care practice asperformed by registered respiratory therapists RRTs. Here are the many benefits of this program:.
Check with your community college. The community college will send your transcripts to PSU automatically at the end of each term beginning with the first term that you are co-admitted. For example, if your co-admission begins Fall , the community college will begin sending your transcripts to PSU once your Fall grades have posted. If you would like to cancel your co-admission status, please send an email to admissions pdx.
In any given term you can attend school in one of three ways: Take all your courses at PSU. Take all your courses at the community college. Take some courses at PSU and some at the community college. You want to combine enrollment for financial aid purposes.
You are earning an undergraduate degree or you are seeking to earn a postbaccalaureate degree in a second major.