Where to buy drake mounts

You will need to be exalted with The Wyrmrest Accord to purchase. Obtained in The Obsidian Sanctum normal 25, by defeating Sartharion with three of his twilight drakes still alive. You can receive this mount via the trading card game expansion Timewalkers: War of the Ancients. You have no idea. If I had a silver for every time someone asked me about one, I could have retired years ago. The Twilight Avenger is obtained by taking part in the three-player island expedition scenarios in Battle for Azeroth.

It is a drop rate reward, rather than a purchase, and can only be found on Crestfall Island. This mount has a very low drop rate, although the exact number is unknown as of yet. But she is young still. To be able to acquire this mount, you must first reach exalted with the Netherwing.

Let me know if this thing sheds or molts or whatever. The Sandstone Drake it made players with advances alchemy. The recipe can be found in Canopic Jars, found only by players with Archaeology. The mount transforms your character into the drake itself and allows you to carry one ally. Although the recipe is user-bound, the mount is tradable and can be found on the Auction House.

This is an achievement reward from Glory of the Cataclysm Hero for completing the Cataclysm Heroic dungeon achievements. Comment by Iivana This is still quite rare. I've killed maly each week with two different characters since 5. My first time ever killing Malygos and my first time soloing it XD. Comment by got mine on the first run :. Comment by Got mine 27 days after 2x Blue drakes dropped in a row.

On this reset I also got my first Hailstorms for transmog and last week first polearms. So I would say that mounts are more common drop from malygos than the transmog weapons some people are after. Comment by themunge Dropped on my 2nd weekly solo clear - can't believe I actually got lucky on a raid drop mount :. Comment by Furydeath This must be my lucky mount 3 times in a row it's dropped now. Yet no blue drake :. Comment by Chuglug I must of had some extremely good luck to get this one my first time in EoE.

Comment by imthewalrus37 After reading all of the comments about the "increased drop rate" on this mount I decided to run it 3 days after winning the Reins of the Onyxian Drake and it dropped! Comment by Dust Among the various drake models of this type, this one, the Reins of the Azure Drake , is the nicest of all.

Not even the coveted Twilight Drake -- which, despite its beautiful purple coloring, is still just a standard drake model -- can measure up to the Azure's unique and attractive markings, armoring, back-plating, and its lovely shades of azure.

Incidentally, this is now easily soloable. In Phase 3, as soon as you're mounted on a drake, build 5 stacks of the 3 heal-over-time HOT before combat begins.

Then just keep hitting 1,1,2,3. You need to be slow enough with the button pressing to allow your energy to regen as much as possible but fast enough to keep 5 stacks of the HOT for the entire fight. If things are getting tight on time you can always skip a 1 or a 2 in your rotation, but don't let the 5 stack drop. Edit: I wanted to be sure to mention that you should avoid the lightning balls Malygos throws at you throughout Phase 3. Just be mindful of your positioning and be sure to move immediately if one lands near you and you start taking damage.

Comment by sickbox Here is a list of mount drops from Instances, Raids, and World Bosses to save some looking around. Comment by Okay maybe i don't have much luck getting ashes, rivendars or kara mount. But 3 runs in EoE getting blue on the first and azure on the third..

Thats just unreal :D. Level 90 hunter item level I got my Azure Drake yesterday after only a few solo kills. GET IT! Comment by I'm a little late, but I just heard about this beautiful mount only today!

I flew my dull and drab bronze drake over to the EoE, and killed the boss with a lot of effort. Turns out, he dropped for me! On my first try! I was so happy, and I have fallen in love with this guy immediatly! I hope this doesn't sound like bragging to any of you, but just a way to tell you "Well if I can get it, why can't you?

Comment by Savario15 Has anybody gotten this in 10 man recently? I just ask because since I started farming him a couple months ago, I've now gotten the Blue Drake 3 times.

It's made me wonder if Blizzard decided to stealth fix the Azure Drake to only drop in 25 man EoE again. I'm very pleased with how this mounts looks, in fact, its my favorite out of all the Drake "type" mounts so far. Its blue, armored and just plain cool looking. Is there any more than can be said? For those of you farming this beauty, keep it up! This is definitely a mount worth its farm. Don't forget, you've also got a shot at the Blue Drake as well.

Comment by Sunreaver FYI Comment by Darkshade2 I can confirm that this mount still drops on 10 man EoE, since i got it last sunday , was very happy that i finally got it ;. Comment by got it after soloing it Comment by mushy 2nd week trying for this just with 1 character! Comment by TotallyNotMikey This can indeed drop from the 10 man version.

Of course, I went in not knowing this, and almost thought I was glitching out the loot table XD. Comment by Daedrus Based on a true story: -second run ever for me lvl 90 4 manning EoE - -reins drop- -loses roll to a noob- fffffffffffffffffffffff Comment by Relicus Ive killed Malygos 4 times now.

Ive had 2 Azure drakes drop. Comment by santipants After three weeks of solo clearing 10m and getting the blue drake I already had I decided to clear 25m for more loot chances. Got my azure drake. Probably the prettiest drake in the game. Hard not to use it over my lifebinder mount. Good luck to everyone farming. Comment by GDerkon So.. I have this drop tonight Is there another place for the Azure.. I've read a lot and seems not.. I'm sure a lot of people wonders this.. Comment by eracer71 First time soloing it today on 10 man.

Read the notes on what buttons to use in what order. Easy peasy. The mount dropped. Ive never been so lucky honestly. Always had to farm for so long to get something. Good luck to all who try. Comment by I ran Eye of Eternity converted party to raid with 2 lvl 90s Btw top portal if there is any confusion in the Coldarra and the Reins dropped our first run. Also read a post saying the drop rates had recently changed so I don't know if everyone will be this lucky.

Hope this post helps someone. Comment by heqno Dropped for me today My secound run ever in this raid , was doing it for the Polearm and got this instead , and i dont know if i was luckey or if the mount has a high drop chance..

Gl to everyone trying to get it! Comment by ucplayer After about 80 runs it finally dropped today! EoE 10man. The other drake dropped 2x in the process. Comment by Kvasi Best looking mount in the entire game. Comment by Number1deadly Wow today after my 17th run though got my 2 azure drake still waiting for the blue drake both look great cant wait to get both. Comment by Maggdor Thought I'd share my experience last night.

I was soloing EoE 10m on a Shaman in resto gear but elemental spec ilvl I was able to burn Maly down to 1 hp before mount phase, and when mount phase started I just hit him with a single bolt for the kill. Loot: Both drakes dropped at the same time, along with two pieces of gear; This was my second week doing EoE. I'm not sure if it's designed that way, but it's great to know that you have a chance to kill two birds with one stone.

It's also great to know you don't have to some sort of crazy DK to solo it either. Comment by Predik Just started farming this guy and didn't know anything about it.

I started just killing him like all old raid bosses and when i got to the flight mode, i realised that this was gonna take more then just the 5 minutes i told my friends it would take. He went into flight mode at around k HP and i didn't realise that you could actually stack the fire dot that you have Just a little preview of my experience after the mounts for other new people.

No mount this run, but my quest will continue Comment by Jhelrok Finally got this on 25 man, my 12th kill overall. Awesome looking mount :. Comment by ckzea52 just looted this mount on my 1st solo, looks wicked! Press, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, ect Plz VOTE!

Comment by Rixxa Just got one of these from Alexstrasza's Gift. Still drops. Comment by bartonjenn Just got this on 10m normal on 1st try like 5 mins ago. This is a awesome looking drake! Comment by antonisp Just dropped today. Still obtainable in 5. Comment by Bundlemonk As of 5. Comment by Chroek Woot! Great day! Comment by Heidimus73 Just dropped for me on 10 man normal after 21 tries The 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 rotation works like a charm Comment by NorlandoDarrow Can confirm it still drops.

First time ever doing it and I got it today solo on man difficulty. Comment by coldcathode I wanted to post an experience here for all players to be aware of. I ran malygos 10 man for this drake with a friend of mine. I put in a ticket, so did my friend, and blizzard literally told us "We can't see that any items dropped for you out of this instance" and then told me they won't give me the drake. This obviously made me very angry as its a rare drop, and they brushed it off as if it was nothing and even saying they didn't see any loot drop, so they can't give me the item?

If they can't see what dropped AT ALL items and the mount , then why am I being punished for their game being bugged or not working properly? Any way, i couldn't sleep, so I tried my chances on my monk 10 man malygos again and it actually dropped again, so I got 2 in one night.

Why did I post this long drawn story? I am rethinking my sub and WoD preorder now. I may just refund, tell blizzard to suck it and go play wildstar full time. Please think twice before giving blizzard your hard earned money knowing they are not there to support you when you need actual help with an actual issue. PS: Even funnier, they requested that I post on their bug report forums about what happened so they can fix the issue so it doesn't happen again. Thank you for reading, and I hope I was able to reach others EDIT: As of today, the 2nd GM we got was amazing, she not only restored the azure drake to my friend since i got it a 2nd time , she sent out to myself as well just in case.

True customer service skills there. Still gotta be careful though. Comment by Berl Confirming again that it is able to drop on ten man after a minimal number of tries. Absolutely lovely and beautiful mount. Comment by DarlingDoolittle Dropped for me on my first try. I almost screamed in joy. The loot gods have been very kind to me lately. I wish everyone the best of farming! Happenned to me last night.

The Infinite Timereaver has a very small chance to drop from each boss in a Timewalking dungeon. However, these dungeons may only be run while a week-long Timewalking Dungeon Event is happening. Players who have gained Exalted status with Netherwing in Outland may get a Netherwing drake mount. The Sandstone Drake is a mount which can be created by alchemists who have found the rare [ Vial of the Sands ] recipe through Tol'vir Archaeology.

This is a unique mount among the drakes, as it transforms the player into a drake, allowing another player to ride as a passenger. The Heart of the Aspects , a drake which is "born of the radiant energies of the Dragon Soul artifact" is available for purchase from the Blizzard store.

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Instances Raids Scenarios Sanctuaries Worlds. Comment by anonymousforever Got this at level 70 in just 16 hours! Comment by Barrage69 Just bought this tonight. Got exalted straight from neutral, cost g for the Drake.

Comment by Nebina At exalted with Bartering, this costs g. Zogbog-Twisting Nether Eu! Comment by Seleyna I don't know when this was last updated, but I went from Neutral to Exalted in a single day. Just make sure you have around 2k Justice Points and head on over to the Argent Tournament grounds. I paid 16JP per commendation. Also, the drake only cost me g after the faction discount. It looks pretty snazzy with my warlock! Comment by lunayah We have at least one drake mount from four out of the five dragonflights Reins of the Bronze Drake , Reins of the Blue Drake , Reins of the Black Drake , Reins of the Red Drake yet after three expansions soon to be four we still don't have even one green drake mount!

I mean, sure we have Reins of the Green Proto-Drake but it's a proto -drake, not a regular drake. I want my green drake mount! Comment by I hate having to grind rep and dungeons get boring This was perfect for me because of my love of battlegrounds. Simply save up 1, Jp and go to Arcanist Miluria for Ally or Magistrix Vesara for horde and buy Wyrmrest commendation badges to get to exalted with 7 Jp left over.

Now about that money It says it gives you rep but I was getting or close to that per 16 Justice Points. Don't have Justice Points? Comment by Hey guys , there's an easy way to get exalted with Wyrmrest. There are badges you can buy in Dalaran to get your reputation up. I became exalted with Wyrmrest in two days tops. Have fun! Though I have pictures that show this is NOT always true. Seems strange, but it did actually happen where she was hidden, then visible, then hidden again.

Comment by If you are trying to obtain this on an alt, or character you made post-Cataclysm, and you don't feel like grinding the Wyrmrest quests you can buy Wyrmrest Commendation Badge with justice points to reach the required exalted reputation.

It will cost you 1, Justice points to go from neutral to exalted, not taking in to account human racial reputation bonuses. Then, I went and purchased my mount. For those looking to improve Sons of Hodir reputation, which provides mammoths, commendation badges for that faction are available.

Good luck with the mount :. But if you have the Mr. Good Luck! Comment by DragaFireHawk I'm shocked that nobody has commented on this yet. The discription "You should never listen to minstrels' fancies. A dragon would never hurt a soul, unless they tried to hurt him first. Comment by canderson Just purchased, now only gold :. Comment by Vankaaz This guild is brilliant!

View in 3D Links. Quick Facts. This item can be purchased in Dragonblight. Wrath Timewalking Guide. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.

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