Why celebrity endorsements

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Motion picture-induced visual, vocal and celebrity effects on tourism motivation: Stimulus organism response model. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19 4 , — Ranjbarian, B. Celebrity endorser influence on attitude toward advertisements and brands. European Journal of Social Sciences, 13 3 , — Rodgers, S. The interactive advertising model: How users perceive and process online ads.

Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1 1 , 41— Rose, S. Online customer experience in e-retailing: an empirical model of antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Retailing, 88 2 , — Sami, A. Business and management. Journal of Accounting, 13, 69— Santos, J. Journal of Extension, 37 2 , 1—5. Schiffman, L. Customer behavior 7th ed. Schlecht, C. Center on Global Brand Leadership. Generally celebrities used in housing advertisements based on their credibility trait like trustworthiness and expertise have very different professions but remarkably, most are known by their careers in football.

Probably it is believed that in marketing communications, celebrities of the football arena are more effective and credible compared to other celebrities.

This is not very surprising considering the fact that football has an important place in cultural structure of the society and that these people appear somehow on mass media or printed media almost every day.

Also it is seen that only a small part of the celebrities used in housing advertisements due to their credibility are experts in the fields that are partly or directly related with the construction sector—like architects, engineers, finance experts, etc. She has a distinctive image in the minds of consumers by her concerts, videos she shoots or magazine programs that she attended. One of the most important elements of this image is related with, without any doubt, the attractiveness of the singer.

Also, it is not that easy to reach that level of attractiveness because not only women but also men aspire the beauty, youth, and dynamism of this worldwide star, Jennifer Lopez. I try to pick places, first of all that I love. That I want to come back to. As Williamson says advertisements associate unreachable things with reachable ones and make consumers believe that they can reach the unreachable [ 11 ].

The image of a gated community in İstanbul named Metropol-İstanbul. In housing advertisements where attractiveness trait of celebrity endorsement is exploited, not only worldwide popular people are preferred. She became famous after the beauty pageant she entered and then she continued her career as an actress. Even though she is in her seventies, she is still a popular figure on screens with her beauty and attractiveness.

Source: www. In housing advertisement where the credibility trait of the celebrity endorser is emphasized, it is possible to run across examples where celebrities have expertise in fields that are directly or indirectly related with construction sector like engineers, architects, and investment specialists. He persistently explained the severity of earthquakes and measures that should be taken, and the way he spoke and his efforts to calm down the society caused him to quickly become a figure that the public likes very much and takes seriously and respects his knowledge and experience.

We can say that the earthquake, which was on the top of the agenda during those days when the project was being promoted, was the determinant in selection of celebrity endorser. In housing advertisements where the credibility trait of the source is emphasized, it is possible to run across examples where celebrities are used who, profession-wise, do not have any connection with this sector.

Even though celebrities used in advertisements do not have any expertise about the product they endorse, their accomplishments in their professional career causes the society to trust them and supports their credibility. As mentioned above, it is possible to say that most of the celebrities under this category are people famous on account of their accomplishments in football.

In this respect Dilmen has gained public's trust both as a football player and sports commentator and he is highly credible. Two points mattered when selecting the slogan. The first was the fact that who the players make an agreement with, which team they sign a contract with is on the top of agenda in our country most of the time. And this is what I do. To discover them and envision their future. So here, advertisers aimed to exploit credibility of a football coach who is very successful in his profession and who built a reputation of discovering talents in a different area of expertise.

Advertisers showed that Mustafa Denizli, who discovers young and successful talents, endorses this residence and aimed to positively affect the consumers. Even though attractiveness and credibility of the celebrity is exploited in housing advertisements, we see that other meanings that the celebrity possesses are important in terms of product-celebrity congruence and effective in creating the brand image.

This matches with the theory of McCracken [ 1 ] that source models are useful but inadequate in defining the complex world of celebrities that involve various meanings as it sees the celebrities as a group of attractive and credible people.

This point will be discussed further in the next section. This resembles to other examples from different sectors and does not describe a structure that is exclusive to the housing sector. However based on the results of the research it can be said that specific for the housing sector, there are few different points in transfer of cultural meaning of the celebrity to the product. First, the conclusion that attractiveness trait of celebrities cannot be handled under a single category and that attractiveness trait of each celebrity has different perspectives and this difference is the determinant in emphasizing the modern or conventional features of the housing project.

In the advertisement of the housing project called Metropol-İstanbul, where the emphasis is made on the word modern as can be understood from its title, attractiveness trait of the worldwide famous singer Jenifer Lopez was exploited. Jennifer Lopez gives the impression of both an attractive and modern women in this advertisement. In this project, we see that not only some type of structures but also traditional avenues of the city and ports are regenerated with indoor and outdoor facilities [ 29 ].

In both advertisements, the transfer of meaning is built on the theme attractiveness; however, there are different categories of attractiveness. In the first advertisement, the attractiveness of a western woman was used whereas in the second one there is an image of a woman who is modern but who respects our traditional values and reflects our culture and all elements of our heritage with grace.

Both of these different attractiveness category fits with the image or design language of the brand they represent. In this respect, it is possible to say that images of these brands are configured on the promise of a modern or modernized traditional lifestyle.

This also explains the importance of one element that McCracken emphasized while explaining the meaning transfer model distinct from other celebrity endorsement models. The conclusion that attractiveness traits of celebrities are different from one another and that this difference is determinant in emphasizing the modern or conventional qualities of the housing residence arises from the cultural fabric of the society we are part of.

Specific to the housing sector but may be more specific to the cultural structure of the society, the second most important difference is the preference of celebrities popular in the football arena in advertisements that exploit the credibility trait. Also it is believed that in housing advertisements that takes advantage of the credibility attribute of the celebrity, the quality highlighted in the running text plays an indicative role in selection of the celebrity.

Who would miss that chance? We can say that in this example, marketing experts chose an expert of football techniques as a spokesperson instead of an expert on the subject, in order to better highlight the technical superiorities of the residence. In this respect in housing advertisements where credibility trait is exploited, it is possible to say that endorsement by people who the public is interested in is preferred depending on the cultural fabric of the society.

Finally, even though housings are not very different from one another in terms of architectural aspect, specific qualities of housings are highlighted in advertisements or specific qualities are attributed to them in order to create a brand image.

It is determined that when the architectural setup of the housing, social venues provided, modern or modernized conventional living conditions promised are being highlighted in the advertisement, generally attractiveness of the celebrity is used in endorsement process. However if more technical features like technological infrastructure of the housing—smart home technologies, green buildings, energy-saving buildings, etc.

The main objective of this research is to examine the celebrity endorsement strategy that is widely used in housing advertisements. Based on the result of the research, it is possible to say that this strategy is not used to describe the qualities of the house and in fact that there is not even a single clue in such advertisements about the utilization value of these houses.

On the contrary, it is seen that celebrity endorsement in housing projects is used to give a meaning to the product and to promise a new identity to potential consumers through this meaning.

This matches up with the theories generated to describe the consumer society. Warde [ 31 ] defined identity value as the value that enables social communication and that determines whether a consumer will be accepted to a social environment or not. Baudrillard [ 32 ] named it as an indicator value and interpreted as a coded difference obtained by the individual within the social hierarchy.

In this respect, it is possible that marketing experts try to add identity value to the housing through celebrity endorsement and build their messages defining the image of the brand in a way to emphasize this value. All projects are launched for sale based on their models and project visuals even before construction phase starts, so the messages that define the image of the brand are designed together with the product.

Arvidsson [ 33 ] interprets this process as developing the product and consumer identity together and attributing material and symbolic values to the product so that the product is identified with the consumer. Accordingly, it is seen that consumption phase is preplanned and organized in housing projects just like any product that is produced in masses, in other words that production and consumption process are configured at the same time.

This explains the market dynamics where the messages about the brand image are created together with the design of the house and that the marketing experts are involved in the housing production process right from the start.

With the impact of changing market dynamics, celebrity endorsement has become one of the most frequently used communication strategy in marketing of housings; however, this strategy that is being widely used in marketing of housings has not been investigated yet at a scientific level. Using a celebrity to represent you helps to differentiate your brand from competitors.

It also can improve ad recall, making consumers remember your ad and that your brand is connected to their favorite celebrity. Choosing the right celebrity can open up your brand to new markets.

For example, when Nike wanted to expand from primarily sponsoring tennis and track, they partnered with Michael Jordan — and this partnership has been so successful it has expanded into its own subsidiary company. When you sign on a celebrity to endorse your brand, you sign on to everything that comes with them.

However, it is important to verify whether both congruence and charisma are present, as well as no overexposure. On the other hand, if an aspiring celebrity manages to build a strong image with spectators, he or she can be seen as an established brand, and thus will be less and less affected by the endorsement, and in time will have the potential to be an endorser.

Future research must vary the profile of the celebrity endorser and aspiring new celebrities. The profile should be tested in other substantive areas, such as new media and social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Moreover, it would be important for other researchers to work with different kinds of brands and categories of products and services. Evaluation of candidates with and without endorsement.

Aaker , D. Aaker , J. Agrawal , J. Alba , J. Ambroise , L. Amos , C. Batra , R. Bergkvist , L. Carrillat , F. Choi , S. Chou , H. Erdogan , B. Fleck , N. Friedman , H. Heckler , S. Hoeffler , S. Hsu , C. Huston , C. Ilicic , J. Kahle , L. Kaikati , J. Keel , A. Keller , K. Kim , Y. Knoll , J. Kowalczyk , C. Louie , T. Luo , L. McCracken , G. McNamara , K. Misra , S. Mowen , J. Myrick , J. Ohanian , R. Pringle , H. Subhadip , R. Rice , D. Rockwell , D. Rumschisky , A. Rust , R. Silva , L.

Sliburyte , L. Thomas , V. Thomson , M. Till , B. Tripp , C. Van Steenburg , E. Wei , P. Wheeler , R. Ghodeswar , B. Spry , A. Report bugs here. Please share your general feedback. You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here. You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. Visit emeraldpublishing. Answers to the most commonly asked questions here.


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