Why do field lines never cross
This is unphysical. Here is one more way to think about it. What would it mean for two field lines to cross at a particular point? It would mean that the field had two different directions at that point. The principle of superposition tells us that the net field is simply the vector sum of the two. So the total field would only have one line going through the same point with a direction which was given by the sum of the two other directions. A positive particle accelerates along the electric field lines.
If it came to an intersection, what way should it go? Two electric fields line can never cross each other because at every point there is unique tangential direction of electric Fields. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed 75k times.
Improve this question. SjonTeflon SjonTeflon 1, 3 3 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Perhaps physically equivalent, but not literally the same. May 17, Related questions Why is electric force represented as a vector? Why is an electric force conservative? How can I find the net electric force? How does the electric force between two charged objects change? How does electric force affect an atom? How can electric forces be measured?
How are electric forces and gravity similar? Having an identical quantity of charge, each source charge has an equal ability to alter the space surrounding it. Subsequently, the pattern is symmetrical in nature and the number of lines emanating from a source charge or extending towards a source charge is the same. This reinforces a principle discussed earlier that stated that the density of lines surrounding any given source charge is proportional to the quantity of charge on that source charge.
If the quantity of charge on a source charge is not identical, the pattern will take on an asymmetric nature, as one of the source charges will have a greater ability to alter the electrical nature of the surrounding space. This is depicted in the electric field line patterns below. After plotting the electric field line patterns for a variety of charge configurations, the general patterns for other configurations can be predicted.
There are a number of principles that will assist in such predictions. These principles are described or re-described in the list below. It has been emphasized in Lesson 4 that the concept of an electric field arose as scientists attempted to explain the action-at-a-distance that occurs between charged objects.
The concept of the electric field was first introduced by 19th century physicist Michael Faraday. It was Faraday's perception that the pattern of lines characterizing the electric field represents an invisible reality.
Rather than thinking in terms of one charge affecting another charge, Faraday used the concept of a field to propose that a charged object or a massive object in the case of a gravitational field affects the space that surrounds it. As another object enters that space, it becomes affected by the field established in that space. Viewed in this manner, a charge is seen to interact with an electric field as opposed to with another charge. To Faraday, the secret to understanding action-at-a-distance is to understand the power of charge-field-charge.
A charged object sends its electric field into space, reaching from the "puller to the pullee. While the lines are invisible, the effect is ever so real. So as you practice the exercise of constructing electric field lines around charges or configuration of charges, you are doing more than simply drawing curvy lines. Rather, you are describing the electrified web of space that will draw and repel other charges that enter it.
Use your understanding to answer the following questions. When finished, click the button to view the answers. Several electric field line patterns are shown in the diagrams below. Which of these patterns are incorrect? In D, the lines are not symmetrically positioned despite the fact that the object is a symmetrical sphere. Erin Agin drew the following electric field lines for a configuration of two charges. What did Erin do wrong?
Consider the electric field lines shown in the diagram below. Electric field lines are directed towards object A so object A must be negative. They are directed away from object B so object B must be positive.
Consider the electric field lines drawn at the right for a configuration of two charges. Several locations are labeled on the diagram. Rank these locations in order of the electric field strength - from smallest to largest.
Electric field strength is greatest where the lines are closest together and weakest where lines are furthest apart. Use your understanding of electric field lines to identify the charges on the objects in the following configurations. Objects B, D and E are negatively charged. The principle is: electric field lines always approach negatively charged objects and are directed away from positively charged objects.
Observe the electric field lines below for various configurations. Rank the objects according to which has the greatest magnitude of electric charge, beginning with the smallest charge. See Answer Answer: The rankings are as follows:.