Why do people hate barack obama

This would only occasionally break out into the press, but it was well known on the Hill. So while it is true that Obama faced an extremely oppositional Republican Party, historians must not ignore the fact that Obama was a distant politician.

In the end, he was more concerned with policy and reluctant to engage in the political battles that make for successful and sustainable policy. Kamarck Given the sense of emergency at the time and the Democratic control of both houses of Congress, Obama could have used his rather large amount of political capital to authorize and then fight for a larger stimulus package, one which focused intensely on job creation and retention.

But the star economist on his team, Lawrence Summers, disagreed with Romer and argued that the economy could be stabilized using a much smaller stimulus. Second, instead of focusing relentlessly on jobs, as Romer, most of Congress, and most of the nation wanted, the administration quickly pivoted to its next policy agenda item: health care.

They easily took control of the House, picking up sixty-three seats—the biggest midterm election gains for the out party since And from then on, the Obama presidency struggled under a radicalized Republican Party. And so for its remaining six years, the Obama presidency had to confront a Republican Party that was hell-bent on opposing everything he did. But was such opposition set in stone? That left Republicans to be wooed by a new and charismatic Democratic president—far fewer than what was needed to break gridlock.

But a president who would not court members of his own party was not likely to try or to be successful at courting members of the other party, either. In the summer of , for example, Obama tried to pass a comprehensive cap-and-trade bill to combat climate change. It was replaced by an aggressive strategy of executive actions, from the Clean Power Plan to the Paris climate accords.

While illegal immigration served as a flashpoint in the tumultuous campaign to succeed Obama, there has been little change in the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the U. And for the first time since the s, more Mexican immigrants — both legal and unauthorized — have returned to Mexico from the U.

The share of Americans identifying with evangelical Protestantism, historically black Protestant denominations and other smaller Christian groups, by contrast, have remained fairly stable. At the same time, the large majority of Americans who do identify with a faith are, on average, as religiously observant as they were a few years ago, and by some measures even more so. The tide of demographic changes in the U. Democratic voters are becoming less white, less religious and better-educated at a faster rate than that of the country, while Republicans are aging more quickly than the country as a whole.

Education, in particular, has emerged as an important dividing line in recent years, with college graduates becoming more likely to identify as Democrats and those without a college degree becoming more likely to identify as Republicans. Partisan divisions in assessments of presidential performance, for example, are wider now than at any point going back more than six decades, and this growing gap is largely the result of increasing disapproval of the chief executive from the opposition party.

Notes: Data from Eisenhower through George H. Bush from Gallup. Because some earlier data did not include partisan leaning, Republicans and Democrats in this graphic do not include leaners.

Source: Survey conducted Nov. Today, more issues cleave along partisan lines than at any point since surveys began to track public opinion.

Beginning around , however, they began to diverge. And the gap has only grown wider since then: Democrats today are more than twice as likely as Republicans to say that immigrants strengthen the country. Gun control has long been a partisan issue, with Democrats considerably more likely than Republicans to say it is more important to control gun ownership than protect gun rights.

But what was a percentage-point gap between supporters of Obama and John McCain on this question in surged to a historic point gap between Clinton and Trump supporters in Climate change marks another area where the parties are deeply divided.

Wide partisan divides stretch from the causes and cures for climate change to trust in climate scientists and their research. This compares with more than half of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents.

Americans felt disillusioned with the way Washington responded to the financial meltdown of Against a backdrop of global terrorism — including several attacks on American soil — Americans also became less confident in the ability of their government to handle threats. Americans also had serious concerns about privacy, though the government was not the sole focus of skepticism in this respect. During the Obama years, Americans were highly skeptical their personal information would remain private and secure, regardless of whether it was the government or the private sector that collected it.

In a survey, fewer than one-in-ten Americans said they were very confident that each of 11 separate entities — ranging from credit card companies to email providers — would keep their records private and secure. In Germany, favorability of the U. In the United Kingdom, confidence in the U. The Obama bump was most dramatic in Western Europe, but was also evident in virtually every country surveyed between and But the U.

Russian views of the U. Meanwhile, certain U. Americans, meanwhile, have become less certain of their place in the world. The share of Americans who say it would be better if the U.

Roughly half of Americans say U. About half of Americans say the U. If demographic changes are slow, technological changes can be swift. In the new millennium, major technology revolutions have occurred in broadband connectivity, social media use and mobile adoption. With the rise of Facebook, Twitter and other apps, social media use climbed to about three-quarters of online adults by Obama also helped usher in the rise of digital video in politics, sharing his weekly address through the White House YouTube channel.

By the end of his second term, YouTube had become a media behemoth with over a billion users. Supreme Court. She is sworn into office in August. Obama discusses the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused by BP.

The president says that BP will have to pay heavy reparations for their malpractice. The Act gives regulators stronger authority when it comes to breaking up large companies and attempts to protect the consumer by restricting practices in consumer loans and credit cards. Obama puts into practice the post GI Bill. This bill assists in obtaining a free or cheaper college tuition for those who have served in the U.

It sets new standards so that Americans who are deaf, blind, or live with a visual impairment have equal access and opportunity to new technological innovations. In the midterm elections, Republicans gained 6 seats in the Senate, reducing the Democrats' majority in that chamber from 18 59 to 41 to 6 53 to The GOP also added 63 seats in the House of Representatives, enough to gain control of the House by a to majority in the th Congress.

In attempt to get the deficit under control, the president freezes pay raises on federal employees for two years starting on January 1, This funds nutrition and free lunch programs, sets new standards for schools, and allocates money for the implementation of these new provisions.

This extends the tax cuts instituted by President Bush in the early s and also provides additional provisions to promote economic growth in the form of tax cuts.

Armed Forces. At a constituent meeting in Tucson, Arizona, a gunman open fired, shooting 19 people, killing 6 of them. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head; she resigned her seat in the House to focus on her recovery. The President and First Lady traveled to Tucson, and Obama offered his remarks during a memorial service for the victims. Obama signs a nuclear arms treaty with Russia, called New START, which seeks to develop our security, relations with Russia, and a world without the fear of nuclear weapons.

This order permits the United States to resume military trials for detainees. Obama announces the death of Osama Bin Laden, who was the leader of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the U. Bin Laden was killed on May 2, , in Pakistan but it was still May 1 in the United States when the president announced his death.

The Budget Control Act becomes law. It raises the federal debt ceiling, causes the United States to avoid default, and creates a bipartisan committee to discuss debt issues.

President Obama makes an address to the joint session of Congress to present the American Jobs Act, which is designed to improve the U. President Obama announces that U. It seeks to eliminate insider trading and prohibits the use of non-public information for profit in the private sector.

Obama defeats Republican Mitt Romney to win a second term in office with electoral votes to and 51 percent of the popular vote. The president addresses the nation after a shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut results in the death of 20 children and 6 adults.

He pledges to fight for gun control legislation. Obama signs the American Taxpayer Relief Act. This extended tax breaks for the majority of Americans while raising the tax rates for top earners. Barack Obama is inaugurated into his second term as president. He was sworn into office in a private ceremony on Sunday, January 20, but the official ceremony took place the next day.

This act seeks to provide increased protection for women under the law by improving law enforcement tools to combat the violence, improving services for victims of violent crimes, and improving awareness and violence reduction practices.

In a speech at Georgetown University, the president announces the Climate Action Plan, which is designed to lower carbon pollution, prepare for the impending effects of climate change, and to address reversing climate change as a global endeavor.

Obama delivers remarks on the murder of Trayvon Martin. This act outlines how the government should distribute loans to students and other tactics for helping students with crippling debt. A shutdown of the federal government begins after Congress fails to agree on funding legislation.

It last 16 days. Obama signs an executive order in order to prepare the United States for climate change. The order addresses the impacts of climate change and details how the United States will take action to increase readiness against climate change. Obama calls for economic sanctions against those responsible for the Russian intervention in Crimea and the stealing of assets of the Ukrainian people. Obama signs an executive order to protect the rights of LGBT employees in the workforce. This does not include an exemption for religious beliefs, which means people cannot discriminate based on their religious preference.

Obama makes speech to the nation on comprehensive immigration reform. He announces he will use his executive power to allow illegal immigrants currently living within the United States to legally stay and obtain work.

Obama proposes to make community college free for students if they adhere to certain criteria such as maintaining a certain GPA. He also outlines what community colleges and the federal government must do in order to facilitate this change. This act seeks to raise awareness on veteran suicide, increases opportunity for veterans to receive help, and also makes the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department submit reviews of their prevention programs.

President Obama and his family take part in the 50 th anniversary of the civil rights marches in Selma, Alabama. Obama delivers a eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckney in Charleston, South Carolina, following a racially charged shooting that killed nine people worshipping inside a church.

The President along with the Environmental Protection Agency introduces the Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants by more than 30 percent by Obama announces historic agreement with Iran to prevent the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Iran met conditions for the United States to begin lifting some economic sanctions. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is found dead.

Obama nominated Merrick Garland to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court but Republicans in Congress will not hold confirmation hearings. The Supreme Court rules that tax credits are available to eligible citizens for insurance purchased on any exchange created under the ACA.

Obama gives a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in support of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Republican candidate Donald J.

Trump defeats Hillary Clinton, winning the presidency with electoral votes although he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. President Obama concludes his last day in office.

The Obama announced that they will continue to live in Washington, DC, until their younger daughter finishes high school. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes James A. Garfield Chester A. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Bush Bill Clinton George W. Help inform the discussion Support the Miller Center. University of Virginia Miller Center.


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