Why does swaddleme have hole in back
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Show 4 Previous Comments. BrumbleB, It's hard work. FirstBabyAbroad, that makes sense. BrumbleB, That is why there is the holes. FirstBabyAbroad, is that even safe to do? I mean I know you are not suppose to have jackets buckled in and all. Car seat or strolller. When they are in the swing! This has been a life saver with my LO! I use it as a poop indicator???? I thought it was so we could smell if there was one. Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy. Your Guide to the Second Trimester of Pregnancy.
In June Babies What is this? Swaddle sack. Any ideas? Latest: 5 months ago Lewis-Baby. Hey all, so I had been using the swaddle me for my baby girl with her arms out at night. The other night a freak accident happened. She was screaming bloody murder and then I found that her pinky toe was stuck in the little hole that those swaddles Latest: 6 months ago babyg In January Babies Sleep sack recommendations. She likes to be warm and cozy at night snuggled in a blanket but obv I take Latest: 6 months ago mcoady WTE Must Reads.
Jump to Your Week of Pregnancy. I'm doing babywearing videos with her too. I always learn best from photos and videos, so I always try to explain how to do stuff using them. Join now to personalize. April Birth Club BabyCenter may earn a commission from shopping links. How to! Original poster's comments 4.
Totally thought that was for checking their diaper lol. I wondered what that was for, I thought diaper too. Lol so didnt know that was wat it was for!! Btw shes so cute.
My DH googled it when we bought them, lol! We didn't have a clue! I always thought it was a vent hole to keep her from getting overheated! This makes me lol. I must have totally missed that convo.