Can i get chiropractic on nhs

If you have any concerns, contact your chiropractor for advice. The plan may be for you to have one or two treatments a week for a few weeks initially.

Your chiropractor may recommend a longer-term treatment plan if you have complex problems or your job means you keep getting back pain. They may discuss other care options for you or suggest you see a different healthcare professional. Manual therapies such as those offered by a chiropractor are usually only one part of your treatment for back pain. This will help you to get better faster. The manual techniques used in chiropractic may help to relieve pain and improve how your back works.

The aim is for you to get moving again and start getting back to your normal activities. Keeping active, rather than resting is the best thing for back pain. This should include a general exercise programme and, if needed, other treatments such as psychological therapy. Studies on manipulation have found that it works as well as other treatments such as exercise therapy and medical treatment for back pain. You may get some side-effects from manipulation the main technique used in chiropractic.

For instance, you may feel some pain, stiffness or discomfort in the area in which you received the treatment. Your chiropractor will ask you about your medical history. Serious complications following spinal manipulation are extremely rare. Although these are very unlikely to affect you, your chiropractor should talk to you about any potential risks before they carry out any treatment.

Most chiropractors work in the private sector either alone or in group practices. In some areas, chiropractic may be available on the NHS and your GP may be able to refer you, but this is rare. This means they have completed approved standards of training and follow the GCC standards of practice and conduct. You can find a registered chiropractor in your area by visiting the General Chiropractic Council website. The number of chiropractic sessions you will need will depend on your individual circumstances.

But your chiropractor should be able to give you an estimate at your first appointment. You may need to have one or two sessions per week for a few weeks to begin with, or you may need a longer-term treatment plan if you have more severe problems. Our short survey takes just a few minutes to complete and helps us to keep improving our health information. At Bupa we produce a wealth of free health information for you and your family. This is because we believe that trustworthy information is essential in helping you make better decisions about your health and wellbeing.

It also follows the principles of the The Information Standard. Osteopathy is a system of diagnosing and treating medical conditions that focuses on the structure and functioning of your whole body. Finally they found something to help them.

Although we are wholly in the private sector at the moment we support getting NHS cover for our patients. For this reason we support the Health Care Bill which is attracting so much controversy at the moment.

Skip to content Do you think chiropractic should be available on the NHS? Chiropractors are well placed to deliver high quality evidence-based care for back and neck pain, as has already been illustrated by the highly successful, award-winning service in the NE Essex NHS Trust. Chiropractors from the British Chiropractic Association have recently been working with the NHS and the Department of Health to look at how commissioners can work locally with chiropractors and use chiropractors as Any Qualified Providers AQP for the treatment of back and neck pain.

Membership number:. Your access has been blocked for security reasons. Lost membership number or password? Your registered email:. Return to login. Find A Chiropractor:. Patients wishing to find out if chiropractic care is available through the NHS in their area should talk to their GP. Powered by Roderick Pugh Marketing.

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That would be nice I hear you say? It would make chiropractic more utilised by all social demographics and will become classified as mainstream treatment rather than alternative. Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective for treatment of low back pain which has lasted more than 6 weeks, even endorsed by the NHS and Department of Health. A recent NICE back pain guidelines advise GPs to offer patients the choice of a course of manual therapy Chiropractic, Osteopathy , exercise or acupuncture.

There are currently only a few examples of chiropractors providing manual therapy funded by the NHS, such as in Essex where this has been operating successfully for about 5 years.


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