What is the difference between magnesium malate and citrate

April, Serefko, A. Magnesium in depression. Pharmacological Reports. December 8, Patel, Kamel et al. Updated November 15, Jia, Fan et al. Journal of Neuroscience. Wu, Y. Magnesium oxide and hip fracture in the elderly: a population-based retrospective cohort analysis. Osteoporosis International. January 21, I am When I take magnesium my hot flashes get much much worse. I cannot take the Glycinate type because it causes me to get cold sores. Is there a Magnesium type that does NOT remove estrogen from my body besides glycinate?

Hi Mary, There are so many different types of magnesium, and we chose the versions that are the most absorbable in the body. For this reason, we chose not to review Magnesium Phosphate for this article. Thank you for this article. I found it the most comprehensive and helpful out of all the ones I read.

I appreciate the time that went into creating concise and thorough information. Hi, I am experiencing insomnia due to menopause and came across information that one reason it happens is because lower estrogen means less transporting of magnesium in tissues.

This led me to you. Would you please comment on this and help us understand if your Magnesium addresses this?

Magnesium citrate is a wonderful supplement. Diet also can play a major role. If you are interested in learning how to make your own DO, along with many other all-natural household products, feel free to check out our Herbs for Balance program. Do you have any recommendations? Here is a fuller context: When we worked on formulating Magnesium Replenish, the formulators who are also scientists and researchers , suggested using a tiny amount of magnesium oxide in the magnesium glycinate formulation which is Magnesium Replenish.

Because research shows that magnesium gets absorbed better when there is a tiny amount of mag oxide. I hope this clarifies this issue and thank you again for your diligence! If you are interested in magnesium chloride, we actually carry a topical one called Quick Magnesium. I am have all the systems described. Wake up I hotter than a fire in the middle of the night and have hot flashes during the morning and then I am cold for several hours then hot again on an off in the night. Just wondering what you think about drinking magnesium chloride dissolved in water.

Yesterday, my friend recommended me to do it before bed when she heard me saying waking up at night. She gave me a little bit to try from her bottle and it worked. I slept thru the night without waking up. Would it be bad if I take it for longer term?? HI Grace, Thank you for sharing with us here. We suggest you tune into your body to see how it is working for you. Concerning magnesium oxide. Ive learned that people are different biochemically.

What works for you may not work for me. We can consider all of these recommendations but we may want to carefully try for ourselves. I am sure that an over abundance of ANY of these forms will loosed the bowels. However, just because you dont recommend it doesnt mean it wont work perfectly for someone else. I agree that it is best to try something out for yourself and see how you feel. For more individualized recommendations for a supplement routine, it is best to speak with your medical professional.

However, I am happy to hear that you have found what works best for you! Magdalena, thank you so very much for writing this article. After reading your article, I started taking magnesium malate in the morning and afternoon for fibro , and magnesium glycinate with dinner and before bed for sleep. Although I still have trouble sleeping some nights, I am sleeping better than I have in years.

I have especially noticed improvements in my memory. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Several types of magnesium can help treat constipation, such as magnesium citrate. Other types may have utility as medical treatments. Doctors may use magnesium oxide to treat constipation or as an antacid for heartburn or indigestion. Magnesium oxide is also present in some dietary supplements. However, the body does not absorb this form of magnesium well, according to a analysis.

This type of magnesium is a compound of magnesium and taurine. Limited evidence suggests it may have the potential to lower blood pressure and protect the cardiovascular system. Authors of a animal study report that magnesium taurate reduced high blood pressure and heart damage in rats that had taken a toxic substance.

The researchers conclude that this shows the potential of magnesium taurate as a cardioprotective nutritional supplement. However, until more research takes place, people should not use magnesium supplements as treatments for cardiovascular conditions.

The recommended dietary allowance RDA of magnesium is — milligrams mg for adult males and — mg for adult females. People can determine whether they need help getting more magnesium by asking a doctor to test their magnesium levels.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in the body, regulating blood pressure, blood sugar levels , neurotransmitters , and more. For those who do not get enough magnesium, taking more may :. There is also some evidence magnesium may be useful as part of a treatment plan for the following conditions:.

A person should consult a doctor before taking any supplement for an underlying health condition. Learn about magnesium supplements for anxiety here. People can get more magnesium from their food. Dietary sources of magnesium include :. Cashews , peanuts , soy milk , and black beans are also good sources. Many other foods contain smaller amounts. This, combined with the relatively small amount of foods that contain high amounts of magnesium, may make it challenging for some people to get enough of this nutrient from their diet.

Magnesium is required for the synthesis of nucleic acids the building blocks of proteins. Magnesium is also required for the synthesis of glutathione , a powerful cellular antioxidant. There is a lot of research evaluating the role Magnesium has to play in neurological conditions.

Magnesium plays a major role in relaying signals between your brain and your body. A decline in magnesium status is associated with various symptoms such as depression, psychosis, irritability or confusion.

Depression has been demonstrated in people with low red blood cell Magnesium levels, as illustrated in this magnesium study by Mihai Nechifor. Another study by A. Spasov on magnesium deficiency , showed that anxiety and depressive-like symptoms surface if Magnesium is removed from the diet..

Our gut microbiome is very important to overall physical and mental health. It is comprised of trillions of micro-organisms bacteria, viruses, fungi etc -some pathogenic, some beneficial present in the digestive system. The gut microbiome affects the body by controlling the digestion of food, immune system, central nervous system and various other bodily processes. There is a lot of current research, such as this paper published by the American College of Rheumatology , regarding magnesium and how deficiency affects the gut microbiome, imbalances of which can lead to various health implications.

In one magnesium study , nutritional modulation of Magnesium was suggested to decrease bifidobacterial content, increasing the permeability of the intestinal wall resulting in inflammation.

Assessing magnesium status is difficult as most magnesium resides inside cells or bones. The most common method for measuring your magnesium status is by measuring the serum magnesium levels, even though this has little correlation with total body magnesium levels or concentrations found in specific tissues. The following signs could indicate you are deficient in magnesium:. It should be noted that, with Hypomagnesemia, there is an increased excretion of potassium by the kidneys, resulting in a condition known as hypokalaemia low potassium.

Symptoms of this can include weakness, fatigue, constipation, muscle cramping, palpitations and, in more severe cases paralysis, and respiratory failure. Eating magnesium-rich foods found in both plant and animal sources such as seeds and nuts along with whole grains, beans and leafy green vegetables is one way of obtaining magnesium.

For reasons discussed earlier, obtaining sufficient magnesium from food sources and diet alone may not always be achievable, particularly if you are showing signs of severe magnesium depletion. It is generally accepted, and referred to in many articles such as this on "Magnesium metabolism and perturbations in the elderly" ,that magnesium requirements increase in the elderly.

Supplementation with magnesium supplements in order to support your magnesium requirements is one way of adequately achieving your necessary daily intake. Because magnesium is a very chemically active metallic element, it occurs naturally only in combination with other elements.

They occur as organic and inorganic magnesium salts. Each combination with magnesium provides different amounts of elemental magnesium. The amount of magnesium and its bioavailability determine the effectiveness of the supplement. Bioavailability refers to how easily a substance is absorbed by the body and refers to the proportion of the administered substance capable of being absorbed along with that available for cellular uptake, use or storage.

In short, the amount of magnesium that your tissues can use readily is based on how soluble the magnesium product is and the amount of elemental magnesium that is released. Another factor that affects the absorption of magnesium is the existing magnesium levels of the individual, as magnesium will be less rapidly absorbed if body levels are already adequate and excreted through the urine or stools if given in excess.

Those forms that dissolve well in liquid are more completely absorbed in the gut than less soluble forms. Organic magnesium salts are, in general, more soluble than inorganic magnesium salts. Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium bound to citric acid, an acid found naturally in citrus fruits giving them a tart, sour flavour.

Some research, such as this clinical trial on the bioavailability of different forms of magnesium , indicates this is one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium. When the magnesium citrate reaches the small intestine, it attracts enough water to induce defecation.

The extra water helps create more faeces, stimulating bowel motility and, therefore, may have a mild laxative effect. This form of magnesium functions best on an empty stomach followed by a full glass of water or juice to aid absorption. Researchers have demonstrated that magnesium bioavailability is greater in citrate than oxide , taking the pH of stomach acid and alkalinity of pancreas into consideration.

The weak ionic bonds of magnesium and malic acid are easily broken, making it readily soluble in the body and therefore well absorbed. Some people report that magnesium malate is gentler on your system and may have less of a laxative effect than some other magnesium supplements. Magnesium Ascorbate is a buffered non- acidic form of vitamin C and magnesium.

It is a neutral salt that has a significantly higher gastrointestinal tolerance than some of the other forms. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Magnesium plays many roles in health maintenance, as it activates over different enzymes that are essential to many functions of the body, including protein synthesis, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Unsurprisingly, chronically low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to a wide range of health problems, including hypertension and cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraine headaches. For these reasons, a growing number of people are taking supplements to ensure adequate intake of this vital nutrient. With various types of magnesium supplements to choose from, it can be hard to know what type is best.

However, it is important to keep in mind that no matter the specific type of magnesium taken, they all share the same overall physical benefits.

This comparison will outline the different types of magnesium supplements, focusing on their differences in absorption, elemental amount, and molecular size. Dietary surveys consistently show that the majority of Americans consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium from food, which varies by gender and age 1.


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