Where is the lost lewts quest

Skipdaddy13 -Just drive around and you should eventually find it. I think the first one is close to the valley entrance. The one you enter to get the radar It should be near all the skags, dead smack in the middle of the dens. Chaos Don't worry, you don't get the mission until after you destroy the depot. Posted by ImpendIn Agony on 11 Mar 10 at So u found all six while in the lancer Posted by Skipdaddy13 on 11 Mar 10 at Nice list.

Posted by WeisGuy9 on 17 Mar 10 at I remember that guys used to get caught in the walls of Old Haven and there was a way to kill them, but I can't for the life of me remember how to do it. So barring me remembering it ,or you finding out, the only thing I can think of is joining on someone else's game. Posted by ImpendIn Agony on 01 Apr 10 at Does anyone know if this has to be done on the same playthrough?

I got Crawmerax on playthrough 2, and i'm almost done with the quests on playthrough 1. Posted by fatmanofamerica on 21 Apr 10 at Posted by KronwallMe on 25 Jun 10 at Thanks so much! Never would've found those last 4 if it weren't for you! Positive from me : Posted by xBrushedRedx on 05 Aug 10 at You're a good man. Can anyone make a video guide to where the start of the radar locater is, because i can't excatly find where you have to go to start it. Posted by TheWelshSponger on 28 May 11 at Posted by blu id devil on 29 Jul 11 at I've done all 43 missions on playthrough 2 and have not obtained this achievement I have checked many times and I know that i have done them all even side quests away from main story line, anyone have any ideas as to why it didn't pop?

Posted by PlacidoPaltiPro on 11 Apr 12 at I'm sorry but i gave you the negative because the mission "Clap trap rescue: Lock down palace, was named as Prison Clap trap. So when i went to go find him he was no where to be found, i checked my log book to see if i had did it, which of course since you named the mission wrong it looked like i didn't do it.

So i saved reload, cleared cache and went through the whole process you do when you "think" a achievement is glitched, and he still wasn't there. Finally i go search a couple other sites to compare and find out the name of the mission was wrong, checked my log book and i had already did it.

I rate every review i have read, and this is my first negative. Instead of you helping me get the achievement you had me waste over 3 hours of time for nothing. This will display a dull blue circle in the general vicinity of any of the hidden stashes. As the Lancer is moved closer the green circle will be replaced with a wide red circle that shrinks when the Lancer closes in on its target. Finally, once the Lancer is right next to a hidden stash, the holographic display will show a thin green crosshair, indicating the immediate presence of the target chest.

The Lancer's weapons are not very efficient against the numerous drifters in the area, if using the lock on feature. Without locking on, firing when the crosshairs are red can be quite damaging, usually killing them in two shots. Also if more than one player is present, it's beneficial to have someone provide cover from a Monster during the search.

Are You From These Parts? Wait No it isn't! General 4 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: TheConstable TheConstable 11 years ago 1 Ive seen the walkthrough and the map locations but I dunno where to find the loot radar to activate the quest someone please help So he said, "Do you love me? User Info: TheConstable TheConstable Topic Creator 11 years ago 2 I just found it its in the area past moxie's towards the vault, once you get there open your map.

How do i beat lost lewts Quest? How do i beat the lost lewts side quest in the knoxx secret armoury DLC? User Info: MetalGearExile3. Top Voted Answer. Yeah, when you accept the mission a box icon will show up on the left door of the lancer. Once you get close to a circle will show up followed by lines that cross in the middle which means you are very close to the chest.

Also, if the circle begins to glow green it means that you have already found that chest.


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